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Hero Stories

Showing 241 - 260 of 303 Posts

Daring Rescue of 105 People Before the Fall of Saigon

A film like Argo could have been made of the suspenseful rescue by John Riordon in the days before the Fall of Saigon in Vietnam. A young American bank manager for Citibank in Saigon, he refused to evacuate in the days before the Communist takeover to ensure that his staff and their families (105 people) got out before the invasion.

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Retired Stranger Becomes Legs for Paralyzed Teen Through Four Years of College

Fifty years separate the two friends, Collin and Ernest, but together these two have managed to accomplish the miraculous after Colin was involved in a horrific car accident as a teen, and was paralyzed from the chest down. Ernest, who'd recently retired as an engineer, heard about the accident through his church and felt what he described as a calling to help the teenager, whom he'd never met, though they attended the same church. He did more than help.

President Obama Celebrates Top Cops

President Obama welcomed to the White House Saturday the winners of the TOP COPS award for law enforcement who have shown extraordinary bravery and valor in the line of duty, including Lieutenant Brian Murphy, who was the first officer on the scene in response to the shooting at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin last year.

Shoe Shiner Donates $200,000 in Tips to Children in Need

Albert Lexie, the longtime shoe shiner, has been giving back to others for years. He is Pittsburgh's hero in disguise. This man is a guardian angel who changes lives one dollar at a time. A shoe shine costs $5, but Lexie's customers have been generous with their tips and every cent goes to the hospital's children in need.

Man Brings Santa, Nativity Back to Hoboken Public Housing for 43rd Year

Santa Claus -- aka Julio Sly'' Dones -- is back outside of the Harrison Gardens public housing complex, bringing holiday cheer to children of all ages for the 43rd year in a row. Santa stands next to the elaborate Nativity scene he created at Third and Jackson streets handing out candy while Christmas carols play on a stereo.

Hurricane Sandy Heroes: High School Coach Braves Icy Waters to Save Dozens

As he inched through the churning, chest-deep water, Jay Price struggled to distinguish one potential catastrophe from the next as he and his comrades from the Manasquan Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 kept pushing forward, chest deep in the rushing water, to reach another stranded person in their homes and rescue them to the safety of their M35 Army cargo truck, one by one through the chaotic night.

Krispy Kreme Worker Knows Customer Service (Video Goes Viral of her Super Service)

Jia Jiang has designed a unique type of therapy to address his fear of rejection. As a young businessman, he wants to toughen himself for the inevitable No's that await him in the future. For 100 days he is aiming to endure one rejection per day by making all types of crazy requests, such as asking a stranger if he can borrow $100. On just the third day, he was destined to meet Jackie Braun, a shift leader at a Krispy Kreme with such kindness and can-do spirit, that he was never going to get a 'no' from her, if the request involved doughnuts.

Ohio Man Saves Same Strangers Twice, Eight Years Apart

Gerald Gronowski may owe his life to the intervention of a good Samaritan, who last week came to his rescue on the side of the road. Ohio nurse practitioner Christopher Manacci later learned that he came to their rescue eight years ago, too. Now I know it's my job to repay this by helping someone else, said Gronowski.

Teen Risks Own Life to Help Young Mom and 2 Kids During Theater Shooting

Jarell Brooks, 19, who risked his own life to save three total strangers, is lucky to be alive. He was in the theater during the premier of Dark Night Rises when James Holmes opened fire. When the shooting started, everyone scrambled to the exits, including Brooks who saw a young mother struggling and made it his mission to get this family out safely even after he was shot in the leg.

Real Movie Heroes Saved Their Sweethearts During Colo. Ambush

Three young men are being hailed as heroes for their old-fashioned chivalry and courage under fire in saving the lives of their girlfriends. While using their bodies as shields, Matt McQuinn, 27, Jonathan Blunk, 26, and Alex Teves, 24, were killed in the worst mass shooting in US history.

Unemployed Hero Saves Baby from Oncoming Subway - Job Offers Pour in

A sudden gust of wind blew a baby stroller onto the tracks as a train rumbled into a NY station — but an unemployed Brooklyn man on his way to a job interview jumped off the platform and saved the tot from certain death, authorities said. He missed the job interview but after news of his heroics spread, he received numerous job offers.

At 102, Female WWII Veteran Keeps Doing Good Deeds

When asked to reveal the secret to her longevity, Bea Abrams Cohen credits her do-good attitude, helpfulness toward others, and the power of prayer. The chatty 102 year-old has worked for more than seven decades supporting philanthropic organizations and especially the U.S. military, since her service in World War II.