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Tragic Colorado Floods: How to Help

Many organizations are already trying to find ways to help thousands of Coloradans affected by this past week's deadly flooding — by setting up relief funds, coordinating volunteers and dispersing supplies. Here are a couple good ways to donate money and help on the ground.

$800,000 in Donations Flow to Cleveland Women Who Were Held Captive

Donations have poured in from around the world to help the three women found a month ago, held captive for a decade in a Cleveland house. The Cleveland Courage Fund, a tax-free trust, was set up to collect the donations and, so far, $825,000 has come from across the country, overseas, and from Cleveland area businesses and community groups.

Parking Meter 'Robin Hoods' Save Motorists From Tickets

James Cleaveland decided to devote himself to helping drivers in the city of Keene, New Hampshire, avoid the disgust of finding a parking ticket on their car. Cleaveland and a group of friends took to the streets with pocketfuls of change and began shadowing the city's three parking enforcement officers, stuffing coins in expired meters before they could issue $5 tickets -- so far, helping 2000 motorists.

Woman Who Found Dog in Rubble Receives Outpouring of Donations to Replace Home

The video of an elderly woman finding her dog beneath the rubble of her home in Moore, Oklahoma after it had been leveled by a tornado so moved people that they began emailing the CBS news team with offers of support. Erin DeRuggiero, of Minneapolis, Minn., went a step further when she learned that Barbara Garcia's home had not been insured. She set up a fundraising page on GoFundMe with a simple plea, Let's show her what love and community is all about.

An Unexpected Hero in Boston Relief Efforts: the Reddit Website

The power of social media was revealed on Reddit when regulars there rallied to provide aid to victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. Overnight, heroes were recognized and thousands of netizens donated to those people everything from pizzas to rooms with hot showers to free miles for airline flights. (CS Monitor)

Six Amazing Ways People Helped After Boston Marathon Tragedy

Mr. Rogers offered a famous answer to the question of what to tell children when scary things happen on the news. It holds true for all of us if we want to learn about what happened in Boston yesterday: Look for the helpers. We can always focus on the actions of the helpers, if we want to feel better.

Stories of Kindness After the Bombing

From the smoke in Boston today heartening stories arose of kindness emerging from tragedy: people on Twitter urging others to note the people who run towards the explosions, not a way from them; stories of heroism from runners...

Tears of Joy as Retired Couple Returns to Find New Home

Retired grandparents Jeanne and Burt Metz lost their home when Superstorm Sandy hit Breezy Point, New York. A volunteer organization told the couple that their floors and walls would be rebuilt – but little did the Metz family know that hundreds of people were working to resurrect their entire house.

Facebook Groups Reunite Jersey Shore Families with Photos, Items Lost in Storm

At least four Facebook pages were created to reunite people with photographs, kayaks, wedding invitations and other cherished mementos they thought were lost during Superstorm Sandy. The sites have reunited a woman with her wedding dress, an urn containing cremated ashes with a loved one, a mother with a baby album and the congregation of St. Elisabeth's Chapel-by-the Sea in Ortley Beach, which was destroyed by the storm, with a plaque bearing names.

Tenants in Posh Building Help Concierge Raise Money for his Village

Jean Kabre is the concierge and event planner at 101 Constitution — a place full of people focused on power, influence, and Congressional lobbying. But when word got out that Kabre was helping support dozens of family members in his home village in Burkina Faso, the people whom Kabre had come to know as his friends, pitched in at astounding levels.

Friend's Place in Hollywood is Lifeline for Homeless Youth

Young people who are down on their luck in Los Angeles gave thanks yesterday for My Friend's Place, a privately funded center that has become a haven where homeless youth can nurture fragile dreams. It also gives them what food it can afford, and clothes, toiletries and hot showers.

Occupy Sandy: Onetime Protesters Excel in a New Cause (VIDEO Added)

Occupy Wall Street has become a lauded and effective relief organization for victims of Sandy. The social media savvy that helped Occupy protesters create a grass-roots global movement last year is proving a strength as members fan out across New York to deliver aid including hot meals, medicine and blankets.

Church Gives Extreme Home Makeover 'Beyond Belief' for Family Hit by Tragedy

Mike and Angie Gagnon, their disabled daughter and two young grandkids were thrilled with the renovations and editions on their home provided by 150 businesses in an Extreme Makeover project organized by Cornerstone Seventh Day Adventist Church. Although it was one of the church's biggest projects yet - working at least 18 hour days for 10 days straight - "it's totally worth it," said Pastor Steven Mirkovich.