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US Air Pollution Hits 10-year Low, Report Finds

A report by the American Lung Association finds that air pollution has fallen to its lowest levels since the group began collecting data in 2000. The nonprofit organization credits the Clean Air Act for the cleanup of major air pollution sources, such as coal-fired power plants and the fleet of older, dirtier trucks.

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New York Beekeepers Quadruple

The number of beekeepers in New York City has quadrupled since the ban on keeping bees was lifted two years ago, figures show. Hives are now on skyscraper rooftops, in community gardens, and school backyards across the five boroughs. Locally produced food growers pushed hard for the ban to be overturned.

U.S. Infant Mortality Rate Declines by 12 Percent

Infant mortality in the U.S. has declined 12% since 2005 after holding steady for many years, according to data released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The decreased rate highlighted improvements among all major racial and ethnic groups.

ABC News Gets Insurer to Cover Cochlear Implants for Kids

cochlear implant covered by insurance-ABCvidA kindergartner has shown dramatic improvement in school in just a few months after ABC News stepped in and asked his family's insurance company to pay for a cochlear implant so the child hearing disability could be cured.

Investors Bet on Organic Farming in China

Investors in China betting big on the organic concept have poured money into food producers and distributors. Some are wrestling with a conflict between scale and quality, but this has not dampened their enthusiasm.

'She Loves Life': Teen with Cerebral Palsy Named Homecoming Queen

Courtney Tharp's fellow high school students aren't at all surprised that she was named homecoming queen this week. They love her smile, her enthusiasm and her upbeat attitude about everything. Who cares if she struggles with fine motor skills or has some speech difficulties? Diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was 9 months old, Courtney, now 17, found out on Monday night that her fellow seniors wanted her to be their queen.

Stem Cell Transplant Accidentally 'Cures' HIV

A US cancer patient who received a stem cell transplant has been cured of HIV, said a team of German doctors whose research was published in the peer-reviewed journal Blood on Wednesday. The results suggest the first such cure for the virus that causes AIDS.

A Brain Tumor, the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me

Examining my brain scan, the emergency room neurosurgeon announced gravely, Well, you didn't have a stroke, but you do have a brain tumor--about the size of a golfball. Before the tumor, dead-end jobs supported a lifestyle of immediate gratification and self-destructiveness.

3 Steps to Heal Any Kind of 'Dark Night of the Soul'

Dr. Rajiv Parti, MD has written a book detailing his journey of overcoming personal injury, cancer and a dependence on pain medications to emerge as an alternative medicine advocate and crusader for wellness. I experienced my own ‘Dark Night of the Soul' when I was hit with prostrate cancer, surgical complications (life-threatening sepsis), chronic pain, depression and, finally, a dependence on pain medications. I had to sell my house and quit my job, all while feeling my marriage teetering and my health suffering. Healing from my ‘dark night of the soul' was not easy, but I succeeded.

Who's On Your Fridge?

I was lifting weights at my New York City community gym when a 77-year-old man who was boxing caught my attention. His laugh was infectious. It made me feel good just being around his energy. So I took his picture and I put it on my fridge

Elderly Dad With Dementia All Smiles When Re-Taught to Ride a Bike

On a cycling website, a man from Minneapolis and his wife told the story of her father, a 79-year-old man with some dementia and how they taught him to ride a bike after 50 years. He still shovels snow and mows the grass… but he didn't remember what childhood bikes were for. But, after a little practice, feeling the wind in his face, he was all smiles.

His Body Broken, Spirit too, Until He Started Running

His brain and body shattered were in a horrible accident as a young boy. He wasn't supposed to live. At 45, Bret Dunlap thought just being able to hold down a job, keep an apartment, and survive on his own added up to a good enough life. Then he discovered running.