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Supreme Court Rules Human Genes May Not Be Patented

The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Thursday that human genes cannot be patented, a decision that could shape the future of medical and genetic research and have profound effects on pharmaceuticals and agriculture. Simply because Myriad Genetics Inc. found the location of genes that were linked to breast and ovarian cancer, wrote Justice Clarence Thomas, doesn't mean they should be able to claim patents on them.

Healing with Humor: Cancer Patient has Unique Way of Spreading Happiness

He cheers a group of cancer patients running in a race, calling himself the captain of Team Tumor. The 38-year-old father of two small children with stage-4 cancer has logged hundreds of hours of chemotherapy. But instead of living with defeat and humiliation, this Utah dad spends his time trying to give a laugh to others with cancer.

What Good News Means to Me - The Winning Essay

My 15-year internet career choice of focusing on good news has become a philosophy for the rest of my life. To mark the website's 15th anniversary, I launched a contest called What 'Good News' Means to Me. I now have my four winners to whom we will be delivering four fantastic prizes this week.

New Bandage That Doesn't Hurt Inspired By Spiderwebs

Even the most pain-tolerant people cringe once in a while, ripping an adhesive bandage off sensitive skin. But for babies, the removal process can break open skin, sometimes causing permanent scarring because the medical tape was designed for adults. MIT Researchers believe they have addressed the problem with a new kind of medical tape modeled on the design of spiderwebs.

From Panic Attacks to the Best Mother's Day Ever

A mom in Britain wrote to share the good news that her daughter, after a lifetime of suffering from a panic disorder, was able to join her mother and sister on a date for lunch and shopping - something that has never been possible before. It was the best Mother's Day gift of all and seen as a hopeful sign for sufferers of the disorder everywhere.