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Showing 241 - 260 of 575 Posts

Healing with Humor: Cancer Patient has Unique Way of Spreading Happiness

He cheers a group of cancer patients running in a race, calling himself the captain of Team Tumor. The 38-year-old father of two small children with stage-4 cancer has logged hundreds of hours of chemotherapy. But instead of living with defeat and humiliation, this Utah dad spends his time trying to give a laugh to others with cancer.

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A Kiss to Build a Year on - If Your Brain's Chemistry Agrees

A kiss at midnight to ring in the new year. That's what Friday night should bring, right? And there's pressure to get it right. No matter how painstakingly you set the scene, in the end chemistry trumps mood music. A kiss is a natural litmus test to help us identify a good partner. Start the first moments of 2011 with the right one, and you're beginning the year on a natural high.

Video: Pilot Uses Helicopter to Blow Calf to Safety

The same TV news helicopter pilot who four years ago pushed a deer on an icy pond to safety using the wind from his rotors, has once again made national news saving a trapped calf -- pushing with the same big wind gust, after the animal lost all footing and was stuck on the ice.

Homeless Man With Golden Voice Gets Radio Job and House After YouTube Sensation

The homeless man with a golden radio voice got a second chance at life, after a Cleveland reporter interviewed him and the video became a YouTube sensation with over 4.5 million hits. As soon as Ted Williams, who was panhandling along an Ohio roadside was seen on the Internet, a local radio show brought him on the air. People were so impressed by his voice, that the offers began pouring in -- including a dream job with the Cleveland Cavaliers and a free house.

What Good News Means to Me - The Winning Essay

My 15-year internet career choice of focusing on good news has become a philosophy for the rest of my life. To mark the website's 15th anniversary, I launched a contest called What 'Good News' Means to Me. I now have my four winners to whom we will be delivering four fantastic prizes this week.

New Bandage That Doesn't Hurt Inspired By Spiderwebs

Even the most pain-tolerant people cringe once in a while, ripping an adhesive bandage off sensitive skin. But for babies, the removal process can break open skin, sometimes causing permanent scarring because the medical tape was designed for adults. MIT Researchers believe they have addressed the problem with a new kind of medical tape modeled on the design of spiderwebs.

Israeli Device Lets Paralyzed People Stand, Walk

When Israeli entrepreneur Amit Goffer was paralyzed in a car crash in 1997, he went on a quest to help other victims walk again. He invented robotic pants called the ReWalk machine that helps paralyzed patients stand and walk.

After Katrina, a Promise Kept: 101 New Homes Given by CEO

After watching the devastation of neighborhoods after Hurricane Katrina, Barnes and Noble CEO Leonard Riggio promised to give away new homes to 100 displaced families. At the dedication of the final home, a gospel choir sang Ain't No Mountain High Enough while 55-year-old Corliss Gaines' eyes swelled with tears.

Donors Step Up for 101-year-old Evicted Woman in Detroit

A fund has been created and a guardian angel stepped forward for a 101-year-old Detroit woman displaced from her home by eviction. A longtime member of her church took in the wheelchair-bound woman and a contractor volunteered to build the wheelchair ramp needed at her new residence.

Australia, Canada Dominate Top Ten 'Most Livable Cities' List

Melbourne, with its beautiful parks, enviable healthcare, and Australian coastline, has been ranked the world's most livable city for the third year running. In fact, Australia dominates the list prepared by the Economist with four cities in the top ten. Three Canadian cities also made the list.

Super Bowl Pizzas Give US Troops a Taste of Home

10,000 Uno's pizzas will be delivered to U.S. troops overseas in time for Super Bowl Sunday, thanks to the Evans family of Illinois who started Pizzas4Patriots in 2008. Supporters of the operation want to send soldiers a taste of home, including the shipping company DHL Express, which delivers the pizzas for no charge.

Hero Award Recipient: 'I Can't Let This Baby Die'

Tom Porter says he doesn't think he's a hero, but he'll soon have a bronze medal that says he is. The Texas resident was awarded a Carnegie Hero medal for pulling a 1-year-old girl from a burning vehicle. 20 others were honored as heroes this week

New Study Suggests Many Apples a Day Keep the Blues at Bay

Eating more fruit and vegetables may make young people calmer, happier and more energetic in their daily life, new research from New Zealand's University of Otago suggests. Department of Psychology researchers investigated the relationship between day-to-day emotions and food consumption. The results showed a strong day-to-day relationship between more positive mood and higher fruit and vegetable consumption, but not other foods.