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Statue Of Liberty Opens To Disabled Visitors for First Time

126 years to the day since the copper lady was first unveiled in New York City's harbor, and after a year-long renovation, the Statue Of Liberty is set to receive visitors once again inside her crown. A Sunday ceremony marked the reopening of the statue's crown and new access to a lower observation deck for the first time to visitors with disabilities.

Disabled Boy Pulled by Brother in Heartwarming Triathalons

Sports Illustrated has named Conner and Cayden Long the 2012 SportsKids of the Year for their inspiring triathlon performances. Seven-year-old Cayden is unable to walk or talk on his own, but his nine-year-old brother Conner had an idea that would allow the two to participate in sports together. Conner pulls his brother with amazing determination letting him ride in a raft or cart, as the experience bringing them closer together with every race.

ESPN Producer Quits Job to Help Disabled Wrestlers Attend College

One of the most memorable videos ever appearing on the Good News Network was a 2009 ESPN feature on a pair of wrestlers at a Cleveland inner city school. Leroy who had lost both his legs in a train accident, was carried on his teammate's back during every wrestling match and every practice. The outstanding young men found a place in the heart of Lisa Fenn, the ESPN producer who, after the story aired, quit her job to help the boys get into colleges. A new video shares the joy and success in the four years since.

Retired Stranger Becomes Legs for Paralyzed Teen Through Four Years of College

Fifty years separate the two friends, Collin and Ernest, but together these two have managed to accomplish the miraculous after Colin was involved in a horrific car accident as a teen, and was paralyzed from the chest down. Ernest, who'd recently retired as an engineer, heard about the accident through his church and felt what he described as a calling to help the teenager, whom he'd never met, though they attended the same church. He did more than help.

First-Ever Disabled Miss USA Contestant Inspires Young Girls

When Abbey Curran first saw a flyer for a local beauty pageant, she was 16 and walked with a pronounced limp due to cerebral palsy. Despite classmates who dismissed her chances of winning, she was determined to compete. In 2008, Abbey was crowned Miss Iowa and became the first disabled person ever to compete for the title of Miss USA.

Female Iraq War Vet Who Lost Legs is Elected to U.S. Congress

Not only is she one of the historic class of 2012 women elected to the US Congress this week. Not only is she the first Thai-American woman to be sent to Capitol Hill. Tammy Duckworth is an Iraq War veteran, a U.S. Army helicopter pilot who lost both of her legs in combat. The impressive Duckworth was born in Bangkok, Thailand, to an American father, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who traced his family's roots in America back to before the Revolutionary War.

Man Without Arms or Legs Swims Frigid Bering Strait

A French swimmer who lacks legs and arms has successfully swum the frigid waters separating Alaska and Russia with the aid of paddle-like prosthetics. Seeking to raise awareness of the abilities of handicapped people, Philippe Croizon, whose limbs were amputated after an accident at age 26, completed his dream of swimming between five continents.

Man With No Legs Climbs Mount Kilimanjaro for Charity

31-year-old Spencer West recently climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro. That's an accomplishment for anyone, but when you see Spencer West, you wonder how it could have been possible. This climber has no legs. My family and I were told by doctors that I would never sit up by myself, never walk by myself, and I probably wouldn't be a functioning member of society.

Patience and Drive Earns Down's Syndrome Man a Black Belt

A young man with Down's Syndrome has earned a black belt in karate, inspired by Bruce Lee movies he studied as a child. Dustin Bean of Longview, Washington worked for 13 years, quickly moving from a special abilities class to regular classes to earn the coveted black belt. His mom said her son has high expectations for himself. He doesn't think he can't do something... He can do anything.

Man Plays Guitar With No Arms - Let It Be

Tony Melendez plays the guitar with no arms. He taught himself to play the guitar with his feet when he was 16. He is now a touring musician, even playing for the Pope in 1987. Watch him in this video playing and singing Let It Be, written by The Beatles.

UPDATED: Born Without Arms, Legs, Nick Vujicic Gets Married

One of the most inspiring people in the world, Nick Vujicic, a well-known motivational speaker born without arms or legs, got married in February. He and his 25-year-old wife were married on Valentine's Day and the couple recently reported they are expecting their first child.