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Patience and Drive Earns Down's Syndrome Man a Black Belt

Patience and Drive Earns Down's Syndrome Man a Black Belt
A young man with Down's Syndrome has earned a black belt in karate, inspired by Bruce Lee movies he studied as a child. Dustin Bean of Longview, Washington worked for 13 years, quickly moving from a special abilities class to regular classes to earn the coveted black belt. His mom said her son has high expectations for himself. He doesn't think he can't do something... He can do anything.

A young man with Down's Syndrome has earned a black belt in karate, inspired by Bruce Lee movies he studied as a child.

Dustin Bean of Longview, Washington worked for 13 years, quickly moving from a "special abilities" class to regular classes to earn the coveted black belt.

His mom said her son has high expectations for himself. "He doesn't think he can't do something… He (believes he) can do anything."

Martial Arts instructor Steve Larson told KGW News that he cried while presenting his 32-year-old student with the award: "It's not about how smart you are. It's about wanting it bad enough."

At most, one in a hundred students perseveres enough to reach the goal of black belt.

(WATCH the video below, or Read the story at KGW.com)

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