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Thai Prime Minister Announces End to Ivory Trade

With the threat of sanctions against her country looming, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra today pledged to end ivory trade in Thailand, seizing a key opportunity to stem global wildlife trafficking. It was the first time the Thai government has said publicly that it would take steps to end ivory trade.

Leonardo DiCaprio Gives $3 Million to Help Double Nepal's Tiger Population

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has awarded a $3 million grant to the World Wildlife Fund for a bold initiative to help Nepal double its wild tiger numbers by 2022 - the next Chinese Year of the Tiger. The grant is the first award following the Christie's 11th Hour Charity Auction, created by DiCaprio, which raised a record $38.8 million for conservation in a single night.

London Raises Bar on Greening the Games

A new Olympic Park arose in a once derelict and contaminated industrial area of east London turning neglected waterways into wildlife havens. Almost 500 acres of land (200 hectares) have been razed and redeveloped for the 2012 Olympic Games, and 45 of those have been given over to creating new wildlife habitats for kingfishers, bats, otters and snakes -- while much of the rest has been left as parkland.

Steller Sea Lions Rebound Off Endangered List

A five year plan to shore up dwindling populations of eastern Steller sea lions, the threatened species that roams from Alaska to California has succeeded. NOAA Fisheries announced last week it will be delisting the animal as a threatened species, making it the first to achieve recovery since the North Pacific gray whale was taken off NOAA's endangered list in 1994.

Major Oyster Reef Rebuilding to Revitalize Texas Coast

Half Moon Reef was once a massive underwater oyster colony in the most productive fishery in Texas, rich with shellfish, blue crabs and shrimp. Today there is barely an oyster left in the 450-acre site. But conservationists are now rebuilding the reef in the heart of Matagorda Bay using huge boulders of Missouri limestone carried down the Mississippi River on 36 barges, building the foundation for revitalizing an entire ecosystem.