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Bulgarian Economy Turns From Making Guns to Growing Roses

A valley in Bulgaria's mountains, for decades known for making AK-47 rifles, now has blossomed into a supplier of organic rose oil for beauty products, reviving a centuries' old industry. Every morning at dawn hundreds of villagers hustle through fields of rose bushes to pick fresh blooms still damp with morning dew.

Tucson Kindness Project Hangs 1000 Bells Around Newtown, In Solidarity With Shooting Victims

A project that hangs small wind chimes with bells is becoming a healing remedy for grieving communities following tragic mass shootings. An Arizona mom in mourning started Ben's Bells after her little boy passed away from illness. She wanted to say thank-you for the many kindnesses that were shown her, passing it forward so more people would remember how kindness heals. A few years later, the project grew, embraced by the Tucson community following the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords and thirteen other citizens. Hundreds of volunteers painted, assembled and hung the ceramic wind chimes from random branches, and doorknobs and playgrounds around the city. Last week Ben's mom, Jeannette Maté, traveled to the location of the latest tragedy, Newtown, Conn., with 1,000 bells to distribute to a community in need of smiles.

Tucson Kindness Project Hangs 1000 Bells Around Newtown, In Solidarity With Shooting Victims

A project that hangs small wind chimes with bells is becoming a healing remedy for grieving communities following mass shootings. An Arizona mom in mourning started Ben's Bells, which was embraced by the Tucson community following the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords and 13 others. Hundreds of volunteers painted and hung the ceramic chimes from random branches throughout the city. Last week the project traveled to Newtown, Conn. with 1,000 bells to hang for a community similarly in need of smiles.

Chicago Youth Program Fights Violence With Employment

Nearly 700 children were hit by gunfire last year in Chicago. In an effort to reduce the violence, a program called CeaseFire is working to curb gang activity by helping at-risk youth find employment. CeaseFire also patrols the streets of poorer, urban neighborhoods to stop crimes before they happen.