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Canada's Cities Report 50% Drop in Homelessness

The State of Homeless in Canada 2013, released this week by the Canadian Homelessness Research Network and the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, showed a 51 percent drop in the number of people living on the streets of Toronto between 2006 and 2011. Vancouver did even better, as coast to coast municipalities were turning the tide.

Hillary Steps Out, Dancing in Johannesburg

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got her groove on in South Africa last week, dancing at a party in Johannesburg, as the crowd of attendees cheered along with the country's foreign minister who hosted the dinner.

Italian Ingenuity: Europe's First Zero Waste Town

Capannori, a rural town in the Italian province of Lucca, in Tuscany, boasts a proud history. Six years ago, it became a trendsetter and leader, not just in Italy but throughout all of Europe, as the continent's first Zero Waste town. Today, about 3.5 million Italian citizens carefully separate their waste into colored bags before leaving them on their doorsteps for collection. The movement has spread further, too, to other European countries.