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New Hospital in Haiti is Fully Powered by 1,800 Solar Panels

Stretched across the rooftop of a new teaching hospital 30 miles north of Port-au-Prince, a vast array of 1,800 solar panels conquers the problem of an intermittent power grid. The University Hospital produces more than 100 percent of its required energy every day, an impressive feat for a building in the middle of Haiti.

Mail Carrier Saves Man Who Went 3 Days Without Medication

For two decades Mickey Wheeley has delivered the mail to the same residents every day, so he knows something about these apartment dwellers. The observant letter carrier became suspicious when the mail began piling up in one of the boxes, which included the resident's medication. It was lucky he did - and took action.

(UPDATE) Homeless Man Reacts to $148K Reward for Returning Backpack, $40K

After Glen James, a homeless man from Boston, found and returned a backpack with more than $40,000 worth of cash and traveler's checks, a stranger from Virginia launched an online campaign to reward him. An update from NBC News shows Mr. James meeting his benefactor for the first time, after people around the world donated more than $148,000 to the fund.

Making the Homeless Smile Will Get Everyone Smiling

New York YouTube pranksters Adam and Sheikh usually make humorous or taunting videos, such as Meet a Muslim or Pretending to Be a Celebrity. But the duo decided this time to do something different, to make homeless people smile. The guys bought some fruit and water, packed up some gently worn clothing and hit the streets. They did bring smiles to these very worn faces and it is terrific to watch.

Sweet Story of a Returned Wallet Sparks Kindness Party

A picture, posted recently on Reddit.com, was photographed in New York City where someone was thrilled to have their wallet returned and desperately wanted to thank the human who was responsible. I re-posted the photo on Facebook and it sparked dozens of similar stories about the kind return of wallets, purses and iPhones left behind - and returned - in every situation.

Woman Chooses Politeness When Bike is Stolen - Gets Great Results

Nurse Eileen Remedios was heartbroken when her beloved bicycle was stolen while locked outside near the street. She left a humorous note attached to the same lamppost begging for its safe return. She wrote, Please return my bike, which she loved for it will be frightened without its owner. The 55-year-old from Brighton got a big surprise in return.

Ex-addict Gives Apology and $400 Cash to Shop He'd Once Robbed

Owners of an Asian market in Nashville were stunned last week when a man came into their shop insisting they take an envelope. When they finally opened it they found $400 cash and a letter of apology from a thief who had once robbed their store. Once a drug addict, and now sober, he wants to make amends with those he'd hurt.

Bi-lingual Sweetheart to the Rescue at Gate A-4

Wandering around the airport terminal, after learning my flight had been detained four hours, I heard an announcement: "If anyone in the vicinity of Gate 4-A understands any Arabic, please come to the gate immediately." Gate 4-A was my own gate. I went there. An older woman in full traditional Palestinian embroidered dress, just like my grandma wore, was crumpled to the floor, wailing loudly. "Help," said the Flight Service Person. "We told her the flight was going to be late and she did this." In my halting Arabic, I was able to soothe her worried mind. Not only that, by the end of four hours, all the women at the gate were as one, bonded by the old woman sharing her cookies.

The Power of Spontaneous Community Caring

The Eastern Market neighborhood near Capitol Hill was the scene of a remarkable community rescue during a sudden eviction of one of their most colorful residents. On a recent day when Michael's possessions began filling the sidewalk under the orders of federal marshals, a few of his neighbors wondered if there was something they could do to help. In the end, the neighborhood characters each played a role in protecting the dignity of one of their own.

Gardeners Team Up to Grow 60,000 Pounds of Produce for New Mexico Food Pantries

In 2008 Leslie Davis suggested to her mother, a Master Gardener in New Mexico, that in addition to cultivating flowers for worthy causes, she might try growing fresh produce for the community, especially since the recent recession had left so many people unemployed who were visiting overburdened food pantries. That discussion five years ago grew like a seed into a thriving bounty of volunteers who harvest thousands of pounds of produce, sometimes in a singe weekend, for people in need.

Stories of Kindness After the Bombing

From the smoke in Boston today heartening stories arose of kindness emerging from tragedy: people on Twitter urging others to note the people who run towards the explosions, not a way from them; stories of heroism from runners...

Men Escort Pedestrians Home From Subway in Wake of Robberies

After a spate of recent muggings and robberies, a group of 20 Bedford-Stuyvesant men started escorting people home as they got off the train and are walking through the neighborhood reaching out to young men. They also sponsored a neighborhood outreach walk earlier this month, stopping to talk to young men hanging out on the corners.

Turning Graffiti into a Public Art Education Program

Philadelphia's mural art project has changed the face of the city from grim and gloomy to colorful, cultural and spirited. As a bonus, the kids who have joined the program to paint the run-down walls of urban buildings racked up a 100% record of graduating from high school.