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Queen Invites 10,000 Random British Subjects to Palace Picnic and Concert (w/ Video)

Two of the final events of the 4-day UK celebration marking The Queen's 60-year reign were staged for 10,000 UK citizens chosen in a public lottery. The day began with a picnic in the palace gardens where guests collected hampers of food prepared by palace chefs. It ended with an evening concert spectacular featuring Paul McCartney, Elton John and an amazing lighting and fireworks display using the Palace as a stage prop. (Videos)

Israel Begins Dismantling Section of West Bank Barrier

Israel on Sunday began tearing down a section of its contentious West Bank separation, marking a major victory for village residents in Bilin. The dismantling of the section comes four years after Israel's Supreme Court ordered it torn down, rejecting the military's argument that the route was necessary for security.

Oasis of Peace in the Desert Brings Hope to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Large wooden tables and long benches are located strategically under shady trees on either side of a bubbling brook. Clusters of friends and family relax and enjoy each other's company in the natural surroundings. What sets Ein Prat – or Wadi Kelt, as it is known in Arabic – apart from other parks is that it is one of the few Israeli-run sites that Israelis and Palestinians can access equally, which has made it an oasis for peace.

Sunflowers Planted in Japan to Absorb Radiation and Lift Hopes

To combat excessive radiation levels in the agricultural regions surrounding the Fukashima nuclear plant, monks at a Japanese Buddhist temple began growing and distributing sunflowers, which are known to absorb radiation. Hundreds of thousands of flowers are now in bloom, spurring deeper connections between people in Fukushima and the rest of the country.

Emotional Reunions for Koreans after 50 years

Emotions ran high this week at Seoul's Convention Center in South Korea as 100 Korean families from both sides of the border were reunited for the first time in half a century following the historic June agreement to work toward better relations between the two Koreas.

Give a Gift That Will Feed Hungry Kids For Years To Come

Heifer Project International (HPI) provides income-producing animals to people in nearly 40 countries. Shoppers buy an animal in honor of a friend or relative and send the recipient an attractive card describing the gift of hope being given in his or her name.

Couple Donate $150 Million to Fight Poverty in Developing Nations

Stanford University will open an institution with the sole purpose of alleviating poverty in developing nations, thanks to a $150 million gift donated by a Silicon Valley businessman and his wife. Called the Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies (known informally as "SEED"), it will draw from the school's world-class MBA program and suite of courses in entrepreneurship to stimulate business ideas that can empower the people receiving food aid today so they can become self-sufficient and not need the aid in the future.

Little Dresses Bring Hope to Malawi

Rachel O'Neill fell in love with the sweeping vistas of Malawi, Africa, but especially with the little girls, whose only clothing were the thread-bare dresses on their backs. Her original idea was to get a church group to sew dresses for her to bring back for the children. Eventually, word spread and dresses were sent from all fifty states, so many that it took teams of volunteers to sort them,

Young Indonesians Green Their Concrete City

Young Indonesians are breathing new life into their polluted concrete capital city with little more than buckets of soil and seeds. A group of mostly young professionals are converting vacant patches of land - once eyesores -- between Jakarta's skyscrapers into lush green vegetable gardens.