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Global Warming

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Top 10 Ways You Can Stop Climate Change

Though you might feel like your lifestyle is insignificant compared to things like oil extraction or vehicle emissions, the choices we make in our day-to-day life play a major role in slowing climate change. Here's a list of 10 ways you can join in the fight to reduce our carbon footprint.

Two Monolith Machines Suck Carbon Out of the Air in California

Peter Eisenberger, a distinguished professor of earth and environmental sciences at Columbia University, has build two machines in Menlo Park, Calif., that pull carbon dioxide out of the air, like a catalytic converter for your car, but giant-sized. The challenging part was figuring out what to do with the CO2 once it was captured. But he thinks he's found the perfect solution making fuel.

Postal Service Reduces Energy Use by 26%

Since 2003, the United States Postal Service has reduced its energy use by 26 percent. Energy efficiency improvements at the USPS's 33,000 buildings have saved enough energy to meet the power needs of 90,000 households for a year. In 2011, alone, the USPS saved $22 million with its 1 trillion BTU reduction in energy use.

Saving The Earth With Help From Above

The European Space Agency (ESA) has approved the funding to launch a copy of its lost Cryosat Satellite to give us an accurate global picture of the climate’s affect on Earth’s ever-changing ice sheets.