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Showing 101 - 120 of 124 Posts

Against All Odds, Afghan Teen Girl Boxer Lives Olympic Dream

Just by getting into the boxing ring at the London Olympics, Sadaf Rahimi will be throwing a few punches in the fight for equal rights for Afghan women. Rahimi, a determined 17-year-old student, wants to become the new face of Afghan women, gaining honor and dignity for herself and other women in her war-torn country and improving their image worldwide.

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Roller Derby Empowers Egyptian Women

Roller derby is a female-dominated sport where both the blades and the punches roll. Over the past three years, a group of Egyptian women have become aficionados hardcore fans of the sport. But in a country where many women face harassment on a daily basis, roller derby is much more than just a game.

Marine's Paris Island Gets First Female Commander

Parris Island, the South Carolina military installation that has trained thousands of young Marines, has its first female commander, Brig. Gen. Lori Reynolds, who took over at a change-of-command ceremony Friday. It's not about male or female, it's about highly qualified officers, and if you look at General Reynolds' bio, she has more than enough experience to add value to this, so it is exciting.

Photo of the Day - It's Women's Equality Day

Women's Equality Day commemorates the day in 1920 when voting rights for women officially became part of the U.S. constitution. The 19th Amendment securing women the fundamental right to vote was a product of decades of organizing, protesting, and agitating. On August 26, we celebrate those who continue the work of building a society where women thrive, where every door is open to them, and their every dream can be realized.

KFC Stands Up For Transgender Woman Who Was Fired

Last week in Virginia, a transgender woman was given a job at a local KFC restaurant –and then had her heart broken within an hour as she was fired for being trans-gender. The corporate headquarters of KFC soon stepped in and offered her a new job and fired the manager who discriminated against her. WANT […]

Hillary Clinton Turns 65: Why We Love This Woman Pioneer

In high school Hillary Rodham was voted Most Likely To Succeed. Today, the beloved Secretary of State is being hailed by people around the world wishing a Happy 65th Birthday to Hillary Clinton. On the occasion, the Huffington Post has compiled a list of reasons to love and admire her -- from the small things -- like, she's not afraid to go outside without makeup -- to the long list of firsts that she has accomplished as a pioneering woman and lawyer.

Thailand Elects Country's First Female Prime Minister

Her opponent congratulated Yingluck Shinawatra for winning Thailand's first general election since 2007, an election that many hope will bring an end to years of unrest between two political factions that climaxed last year with protests that turned deadly.

Afghan Women Dare to Cycle, With Eyes Toward Olympics

Not yet 5am, a small pack of women savor the peace six mornings a week, before the men appear on Kabul's streets to hurl insults at them for breaking the gender barrier of acceptable female activity. "These girls are challenging a big taboo in Afghanistan, riding a bicycle."