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El Salvador's Gang Truce Cuts Murder Rate Dramatically

Gang leaders in El Salvador declared an unprecedented truce that authorities say has cut the homicide rate in half in just four months. In March, rival gangs surprised the country by releasing a joint statement declaring an end to violence and pledging to freeze recruitment of new adolescent members, especially in poor neighborhoods and around schools. Since then, the change has been dramatic.

Australian Principal Faces Down Gangs to Turn Around a School

When Jihad Dib was appointed principal of Punchbowl Boys High School at age 33, it was a hotbed of violence and trouble. His modern and successful approach to reforming the school has transformed the student body and staff into a family, and recently earned him a Pride of Australia medal.

Chicago Youth Program Fights Violence With Employment

Nearly 700 children were hit by gunfire last year in Chicago. In an effort to reduce the violence, a program called CeaseFire is working to curb gang activity by helping at-risk youth find employment. CeaseFire also patrols the streets of poorer, urban neighborhoods to stop crimes before they happen.

Firefighters Welcome Gang Members

In a neighborhood full of gang activity, where bullets sometimes fly, Fire Station No. 68 serves the community of central Los Angeles, instead of keeping a low profile. The Fire Department has opened its doors to the community.