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Interfaith Churches Convince Banks to Give $30 Million to Help Foreclosed Families

An interfaith group in Virginia has shown what a grassroots group can do when working together for positive change -- in this case, help for some of the 20,000 families who lost homes in the 2008 foreclosure crisis. VOICE (Virginians Organized For Interfaith Community Engagement) managed to get pledges of $30 million from Bank of America, General Electric and the Virginia Housing Development Authority to help such families in Manassas and Prince William County.

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Occupy Wall Street Folks Are Buying and Abolishing Millions of Dollars of Debt for the 99 Percent

The Occupy Wall Street movement, forever angry about government bail-outs for big banks, finally figured out a way to issue their own bail-outs -- this time, for the little guy. A group called Strike Debt launched a campaign last night, called Rolling Jubilee, that has already raised more than a quarter million dollars to buy up the debt owed by faceless Americans and cancel it, while just paying pennies on the dollar for the privilege. They call it, a bailout by the people, for the people.

Tennessee Community Saves Elderly Woman From Eviction

It was a house she and her late husband built in 1956. Mary Cate Jones had spent the past few weeks packing up memories and preparing for a forced eviction from the home where she lived in Tennessee for 56 years. But after her plight was featured in the local paper last month, donations began pouring in. And now, thanks to more than 500 people and a $15,000 check from an anonymous donor, Jones and her family will be able to keep their home.

Detroit and Banks Team Up to Lure Police Officers Back to City With Low Cost Homes

The city of Detroit and Bank of America have teamed up to solve three problems at once: By enticing cops to live in urban neighborhoods, offering them refurbished homes and low cost loans, houses standing empty will be inhabited, rather than vandalized, communities will feel more secure with law enforcement nearby, and urban property values and the city's tax base will be bolstered.