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Showing 861 - 880 of 1,157 Posts

101-year-old Grandmother Sets Paragliding Record (WATCH)

Not wanting to be outdone by her 75-year-old paragliding son, Mary Allen Hardison of Ogden, Utah, took flight on her birthday, becoming the "Oldest Female to Paraglide Tandem" — an achievement described Tuesday by Guinness World Records as a "celebration of the official start of spring and life rejuvenated."

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101-Year-old Woman Gets Her House Back Thanks to Author Mitch Albom

Texana Hollis, 101, was evicted from her Detroit home of 60 years. Good Samaritans took her in and hoped to get the foreclosed property back. Unfortunately the building was in bad condition and condemned as not fit to live in, especially for a wheelchair-bound great-grandmother. But, now her house is being given back to her – in better shape than ever – thanks to Detroit resident Mitch Albom, the best selling author of Tuesdays with Morrie.

Recess Boosts Kids' Grades

Children who get more exercise also tend to do better in school, whether the exercise comes as recess, physical education classes or getting exercise on the way to school, according to an international study.

Former Gang Member Becomes Star Student With 4.0 GPA

The first time Brayan ever held a gun, he pointed it at a woman stepping out of a gray Lexus and stole her purse — his initiation into an older cousin's gang. He was 12 years old at the time. "I was losing control of my life," said Brayan, now 17 and a 4.0 student at Scriber Lake High School in Washington.

Teachers Ditch Student Desk Chairs for Yoga Balls

Replacing stationary seats with inflatable bouncers has raised productivity in her fifth-graders at Westtown-Thornbury Elementary School, helping students focus on lessons while improving their balance and core strength, she said.

School Behind Bars Elevates Juveniles Who Need Hope

There is a school at one Virginia county juvenile detention center where troubled youths work toward high school diplomas and credit their teachers with saving their lives from ruin. The jail's educational program is a little-known entity within Fairfax County Public Schools that offers the students hope for better days ahead.

Most Influential Adult at Trinity High School? The Janitor.

Perhaps no adult employed at Trinity High School has had more influence over students or changed more young lives than Charles Clark, the school's custodian. Clark has mentored countless kids in need of a father figure at the Texas high school, even housing several of them in his home over the years. In the beginning, he took the custodial position thinking he would keep it until he found something better, but 24 years later, he still hasn't found it. Now Clark, 63, has bested more than 400 teachers, administrators and school district employees from 33 states to become the LifeChanger of the Year Grand Prize Winner.

9-Year-old Silenced By Politicians Has Changed School Lunches Forever

A new blog started by a 9-year-old in western Scotland shows daily photos of the lunches she was being served in her public primary school. Just started in early May, her lunch photos went viral in days. She had a million viewers within a few weeks; was written up in major magazines; and won the support of TV chef Jamie Oliver, who kicked off school-food reform in England.

Couple Prepares to Spend their 80th Valentine's Day Together

For many couples, Valentine's Day will be spent exchanging chocolates and going out to expensive, candlelit dinners. But the romantic holiday holds little appeal to George and Catherine Guiles, who have been married for 73 years. They have learned to see every day together as special.

Love With a Side of Fries: McDonald's Inspired High School Sweethearts Marry After 30 Years

The McDonald's in Crystal, Minnesota brings back golden memories to Steve Rydberg going clear back to the 1960s when he met his high school sweetheart while flipping burgers there. This week he celebrated a reunion with the girl for whom he was so smitten as a teen -- a reunion that led to love and marriage in his near-golden years. Hiding behind the McDonald's grill, he surprised his wife returning to the place they first met. (Video)

Whale Film "Big Miracle" is a Charmer - And, True

In this delightful family movie based on a true story, a family of gray whales, stranded beneath the ice near the northern-most Alaskan town of Barrow, brings together old foes in an inspiring rescue operation that catches the attention of the whole world.

The Power of Acknowledgment - Another Reason to Love Thanksgiving

Can you remember how good it feels when someone tells you how wonderful you are, or when you receive an unexpected thank-you gift in the mail? But, how can we sustain those feelings of happiness longer and more consistently on our own. Author Judith Umlas says we can actually have those feelings more abundantly when we make a point to acknowledge others. Studies show why it is beneficial for us to give positive acknowledgment to our fellow human beings.