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474-year-old Painting Stolen by Nazis Given to Owner's Heirs

A painting - nearly five centuries old and worth millions - that was taken by the Nazis in World War II has been returned to the heirs of its original Jewish owner by U.S. officials. Also, the former neighbor of a Dutch Holocaust survivor traveled to the United States to hand-deliver two sets of china, dishes that her family left behind before they were led to Auschwitz.

Cabinet Secretaries and Obama Give Back 5% of Salaries to Help Federal Workers

Along with President Obama, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, Secretary of State John Kerry, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano have decided to forgo portions of their salaries in solidarity with federal workers. Like Obama, they volunteered to give their money to help reduce the deficit, or to foundations that benefit federal workers.

Big Banks Agree To Pay $8.5 Billion To Homeowners After Foreclosure Abuse

Ten of the nation's major banks, such as Bank of America and Citibank, have agreed to pay $8.5 billion after an investigation into the abuse of homeowners during foreclosures on mortgages during the recent housing crisis. According to the Fed, $3.3 billion of the settlement will be direct payments to eligible borrowers and $5.2 billion will go toward other assistance, such as loan modifications and forgiveness of deficiency judgments.

KFC Stands Up For Transgender Woman Who Was Fired

Last week in Virginia, a transgender woman was given a job at a local KFC restaurant –and then had her heart broken within an hour as she was fired for being trans-gender. The corporate headquarters of KFC soon stepped in and offered her a new job and fired the manager who discriminated against her. WANT […]

Swim Team Gives Back Trophy After Discovering Error

Augusta, Georgia swim coaches were honored for returning their trophy after pointing out a scoring error that cost their team the championship. The two men were called champions of integrity, honesty and sportsmanship, amidst a standing ovation.