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Airbnb Will Chip In for Its Hosts' Green Upgrades

In May, Airbnb began helping its hosts in Massachusetts afford climate-friendly or energy-efficient home improvements, such as insulation, rooftop solar arrays, or heat pumps. Airbnb is partnering with Abode Energy Management to offer a $2,000 rebate on heat pump installation and $500 for weathering upgrades. The chief aim of Airbnb is to utilize recent legislation […]

Are There Any Environmentally-Friendly Air Conditioners Out There? (Some Good News)

Reprinted via EarthTalk®, From the Editors of E – The Environmental Magazine Are there any environmentally friendly air conditioners out there? Traditional air conditioning units consume significant amounts of energy and rely heavily on refrigerants that contribute to global warming. The good news is that there are several environmentally-friendly air conditioning options available today. One […]

How Energy Efficiency is "Lighting Up" the Streets of Philadelphia

Not just in homes and buildings, Philadelphia has revved up its energy efficiency campaign in the streets. Through the Greenworks Philadelphia project, the Philadelphia Streets Department is converting 58,000 yellow and green traffic signals to LED lights, replacing traditional energy-draining bulbs and saving the city $1 million of electricity costs every year.

BMW Unveils Electric Car Models

BMW unveiled two plug-in electric cars yesterday both headed for production beginning in 2013 -- the sporty i8 hybrid super-coupe and the i3 urban all-electric car, a small vehicle designed to go about 80 miles between recharges.

Air Force Improves Energy Efficiency in Jets, Fuel

The US Air Force has developed an energy plan focused on reducing demand and increasing efficiency. For instance, 99 percent of the Air Force fleet is now certified to operate on a 50/50 blend of synthetic fuel derived from byproducts like feed stock and normal jet fuel.

iPod Creators Unveil the Smartest (and Prettiest) Thermostat Yet

An intelligent thermostat seems like an odd project for the minds behind Apple's iconic iPod, but in a strange way, the iPod folks may just be the perfect team to revolutionize home heating. The Wi-Fi connected thermostat learns your heating preferences and optimizes your home's temperature to save energy.

Viet Nam Ranks Second on the Happy Planet Index

Despite complaints of traffic jams and overcrowded hospitals and schools, Viet Nam is considered the second happiest country in the world in terms of sustainable well-being -- behind Costa Rica, with Colombia third. The ranking, the Happy Planet Index, was compiled and released by the New Economics Foundation, a UK independent think tank that wanted to create an index to measure the sustainability of a country and the happiness of its people (how efficient is their happiness).

FedEx Adds More Than 4,000 New, Fuel Efficient Vehicles

The world's largest express transportation company continues to bolster its fuel efficiency with a significant expansion this summer of lower polluting, energy efficient vehicles. While doubling the fleet of all-electric vehicles to 43, FedEx is also adding more hybrid-electrics and light composite vehicles.

Solar Powered Swim Suit Charges Your Phone

A solar-powered bikini designed by Brooklyn-based designer Andrew Schneider is now available for charging your cellphone or iPod right on the beach. The high-tech swimsuit comprises thin, flexible photovoltaic film strips and USB connectors.

Department Of Energy Crowns Light Bulb Of The Future Contest-Winner

A Philips LED bulb is the winner of the U.S. Department of Energy's $10 million competition to develop a low-cost, energy efficient, high-performance replacement for the incandescent bulb. The energy-saving L Prize winner uses less than 10 watts of power, providing an energy savings of 83 percent, while still emitting the same amount of light, and with the familiar warm glow.

Apple to Build Largest Private Solar Array in the US

The world's most valuable company, Apple, has announced plans to build America's largest private onsite solar array at their North Carolina data center. Apple's data center in Maiden is already one of the most energy-efficient of its kind, earning a coveted LEED Platinum certification.

Canadian Researchers Create Wireless Charger for Electric Cars

Researchers at the University of British Columbia say they've found a way around the nuisance and potential danger of repeatedly having to plug in an electric car to get it moving again. The university's physics department says it has developed a way to wirelessly recharge the vehicle.