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Ice Cream Company Delivers Joy Across Afghanistan

In a nation wrenched by decades of war, perhaps it is no surprise that one of Afghanistan's most successful brands manufactures what is sorely lacking in the country: joy. The Herat ice cream factory dips vanilla bars in chocolate, and creates orange sorbets and frozen cones that are sold in each of the country's 34 provinces, a rare success for a business benefitting from no foreign investment.

Peace Corps Volunteers Use Chocolate To Lift Africans from Poverty

Africa produces 70% of the world's chocolate and 60% of the world's vanilla crop, yet the continent makes just 1% of finished chocolate bars, which leaves very little profit for the essential farming communities. Now, an innovative company started by former Peace Corps volunteers is disrupting that market spiral to make the world's best chocolate bars -- and make a difference in Madagascar.

Peace Corps Volunteers Use Chocolate To Lift Africans from Poverty

Africa produces 70% of the world's chocolate and 60% of the world's vanilla crop, yet the continent makes just 1% of finished chocolate bars, which leaves very little profit for the essential farming communities. Now, an innovative company started by former Peace Corps volunteers is disrupting that market spiral to make the world's best chocolate bars -- and make a difference -- in Madagascar.