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Girl's Dental Hygienist Notices Yellowish Eyes to Save Her Life

Imagine taking your little girl to the dentist for a routine cleaning and having it lead directly to a 9-hour major medical surgery the following Friday. The surgery saved 11-year-old Journee's life and it was due to the diligence of a dental hygienist who was concerned because the whites of the her eyes seemed yellow.

Dentists Given Hero Status for Decade of Pro Bono Work

Twice a year since 2002, local dentists donate free treatment to young folks through their Give Kids A Smile clinic. The organization said more than 8,900 dental professionals and lay volunteers donate time and talent through the clinic, and have provided 10,632 children with $4.6 million in free dental service.

New Plasma Technique Could Eliminate Dentist Drill

People who live in fear of the dentist's drill could be in for a more comfortable future - as new plasma technology arrives. "Drilling is a very uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience. The use of cold "plasma jets", in contrast, is a completely contact-free method that is highly effective," said Dr Stefan Rupf, who led the study.

100 Dentist Chairs Fill Gym on "Mission of Mercy"

A thousand people streamed into the University of Maryland's gymnasium yesterday where a "Mission of Mercy" began dispensing a million dollars worth of free dental care. 800 dentists and hygienists are volunteering their time during the two-day mobile dental clinic to serve uninsured adults.