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Tunisia Basks in Praise Over its New Constitution

As recently as December, the outlook for Tunisia remained grim. However, on Friday, French President Francois Hollande and other world leaders attended a ceremony for the formal adoption of a document being praised as one of the most progressive constitutions in an Arab nation. What a turnaround, says an AP article.

Aung San Suu Kyi Finally Claims her Nobel Peace Prize, 21 years Later

Suu Kyi received two standing ovations inside Oslo's city hall as she gave her long-delayed acceptance speech 21 years after she received the Nobel Peace Prize for her unflagging support for democracy in the face of arrest and imprisonment in her military-controlled homeland of Myanmar. The 66-year-old champion of political freedom praised the power of her 1991 Nobel honor both for saving her from the depths of personal despair and shining an enduring spotlight on injustices in distant Myanmar.

Egyptians Vote Freely for a Leader Today, First Time in 29 Years

Egyptians relished their first free leadership vote on Wednesday, with Islamists pitted against secular figures in a contest unthinkable before a popular revolt swept President Hosni Mubarak from power 15 months ago. No one knows who will win the presidency, but Egyptians are enjoying the historic uncertainty.

One Million People Pack D.C. With Energy, Optimism

Spirits were high among hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic spectators flocking to Washington for Monday's inauguration, where they braved chilly temperatures and heavy security to witness the ceremonial start of President Obama's second term.

Thousands Cheer Nepal's Deflating of King

Nepal's restored parliament voted unanimously in favor of reducing the king's power to that of a ceremonial figurehead with no control of the army. Tens of thousands of Nepalese celebrated in the streets when they heard the news yesterday.

Inspiring Elections in Nigeria After Years of Corruption

Thanks to a herculean effort by the Independent National Electoral Commission and the leadership of President Goodluck Jonathan, the Nigerian elections that kicked off over the weekend looked nothing like corrupt elections past and the vote has been hailed a major turning point for the country.