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Best Boss Ever: Florida Company Surprises Employee With New Car

A digital advertising agency in Delray Beach surprised one of its longest and most deserving employees with a new 2013 Ford Escape for his birthday on Thursday. Chris Ninos has been the chief financial officer at BMI Elite for the last two years. According to CEO Brandon Rosen, Ninos is one of his most loyal, honest, trustworthy and hardworking employees.

Vital Medicine Rides Coke's Distribution Network Into Remote African Villages

Simon Berry is piggy-backing on Coca-Cola's distribution system to bring life-saving medicine to the places that need it most. Thanks to a vast network of local suppliers, you can get a Coke almost anywhere money changes hands. In the 1980s, Berry was an aid worker in Zambia, and when he looked at Coke's success, he saw an opportunity. Today his essential health kits for treating diarrhea are made to fit exactly inside the empty space between beverage bottles in Coke delivery crates.

Telecommuting Success Honored

Through AT&T’s telework program, employees who telecommuted from home avoided driving 110 million miles, eased traffic congestion, eliminated pollution from greenhouse emissions of almost 50,000 tons of carbon dioxide, and saved 5.1 million gallons of gas.

Krispy Kreme Worker Knows Customer Service (Video Goes Viral of her Super Service)

Jia Jiang has designed a unique type of therapy to address his fear of rejection. As a young businessman, he wants to toughen himself for the inevitable No's that await him in the future. For 100 days he is aiming to endure one rejection per day by making all types of crazy requests, such as asking a stranger if he can borrow $100. On just the third day, he was destined to meet Jackie Braun, a shift leader at a Krispy Kreme with such kindness and can-do spirit, that he was never going to get a 'no' from her, if the request involved doughnuts.

Hess Oil Company Donates $1 Million to North Dakota Flood Relief

Hess Corporation announced yesterday that it has donated $1 million to North Dakota flood relief efforts. The donation will go to the Minot Area Community Foundation and the North Dakota Community Foundation to support relief efforts. The groups are providing immediate aid as well as assisting in long term recovery and rebuilding efforts in the Minot area and across the state.

Leading Paper Producer to Halt Deforestation in Indonesian

The world's third largest paper company, Asia Pulp and Paper, announced in February an immediate end to all natural forest clearing in its supply chains in Indonesia. The company's pledge to stop making paper from the pulped remains of some of the last virgin rainforests, along with its improved transparency, will help protect endangered Sumatran tigers and orangutans and forested peatlands that store massive amounts of greenhouse gases.