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CONTEST: What Good News Means to Me, Prizes for 4 Best Entries

Fifteen years ago on Labor Day weekend I clicked the button for the first time that uploaded the Good News Network website, allowing anyone in the world to see it on the internet. To mark the anniversary, I am launching a contest called, What 'Good News' Means to Me. I've got some SUPER life-enhancing prizes to award for my four favorite entries.

Disability Kept Him From Soccer Stardom, But His Own Animated Super Hero Turns Disease into Strength

Aaron D'Errico always wanted to play soccer like his superstar dad who led the USA Men's National soccer team, but since birth, his leg muscles have been damaged by disease. His determination to overcome, however, blossomed in his imagination where he visualized his victories through a comic soccer superhero named Ammon. The hero, Ammon, is a medical student with cerebral palsy who secretly dreams of being a soccer star – like his father – but during his search for a cure, he gains superpowers through a blend of science and spirit. Aaron himself has become an inspiring hero to Marvel comics icon Stan Lee, and may become a mentor to an upcoming artist thanks to his online contest offering $2,000 to an aspiring illustrator.