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Canada Man Wins $10,000 for Suggesting Next Donut Flavor

Canada Man Wins $10,000 for Suggesting Next Donut Flavor
A dreamed-up doughnut that melds together chocolate, caramel and pecans has earned its inventor $10,000. Andrew Shepherd was crowned the winner on Monday after beating out 63,000 entries in a Tim Hortons contest..

A dreamed-up doughnut that melds together chocolate, caramel and pecans has earned its inventor $10,000.

Andrew Shepherd, from Hamilton, was crowned the winner on Monday after beating out 63,000 entries in a Tim Hortons contest.

The 39-year-old chose a "classic-flavor combination" and named it The Tortoise Torte.

Winning the Tim Hortons cash means that he is going to take his wife to Switzerland — which he could never afford — so they can savor the national specialties of cheese and chocolate, his two favorite foods/

(READ the story from CBC)

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