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Retirees Win 100K for Creating Lasting Change

The Purpose Prize honors "what may be a new trend -- retirees taking on some of the country's biggest social problems." The five winners of the first-ever Purpose Prize, announced today, all 60 years or older, will split half a million dollars.

Brutal Tragedy Turns Into Story of Healing

How miraculous that Kathy Stein found herself caring about a young man who tried to rob and kill her. She'd started down a "tumultuous journey on a path less chosen â€" one toward forgiveness instead of rage..."

A Hero to Iraqi Kids, American Soldier Inspired to Give Gifts

An American soldier gets a kick out of bringing gifts to the kids in Iraq. Joe was so moved by the bare feet he saw in Iraq, he urged family and friends to send shoes for the children. The result was 1,200 pairs of shoes and 300 pounds of clothing sent to Iraq in 54 large boxes, inundating the post office.