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Good-Deed Nominating Trends Spread Among Youth, This Time in Canada

Youth around the world have managed to turn a dangerous and deadly viral drinking game into random acts of kindness that have most recently turned infectious on university campuses in Canada. The Canadian version currently captivating students on campuses like McGill University is called Feed the Deed.

College Friends Find Out They're Actually Half-Sisters

Two college freshman who applied to find roommates at Tulane University found that they were a lot alike. They became fast friends on Facebook and joked to their friends that they were probably half-sisters, but they never thought it might be true. But, it was.

Student Engineering Project Helps Girl Feed Herself

For their their senior project, six Marquette University engineering students chose to design and manufacture a device that would help a young girl to feed herself. Without the device, Kailyn Pieper has to bring her mouth right down to the plate, when eating in the school cafeteria with her friends.

Medical Students Learned on the Bodies, Now Honor the Donors

Georgetown University medical students recently held their yearly religious service, to say thank you to anatomical donors. Each year, 19,000 medical students in the United States dissect cadavers as part of their Each year their schools hold some type of memorial service at the end of the year to honor donors.