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12 of The Greatest Things to Love About America

What makes America great? On this, the 235th birthday of the nation's founding Declaration of Independence, it seems like a question we need to answer. America is a great country for many reasons, big and small. Here is a list of top 12 things to love.

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Six Amazing Ways People Helped After Boston Marathon Tragedy

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City Rallies Behind Hero Whose Home was Firebombed

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Egyptians Vote Freely for a Leader Today, First Time in 29 Years

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To Help During Shutdown, Man Mows Lawn Around Lincoln Memorial (NEW Video)

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'Vote Mobs' Hope to Engage Canadian Youth

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A Mother's Fight Against '3-Strikes Law' Helps Hundreds

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Mali Locals Saved Some Ancient Manuscripts from Islamists

Preservationists guarding Timbuktu's centuries-old artifacts said that in a large-scale rescue operation early last year, shortly before Islamist militants seized control of the city, thousands of manuscripts were hauled out of the Ahmed Baba Institute to a safe house elsewhere.