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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Posts

A Runner for Cancer Decides to Become Oncologist After Losing Father

Jenna Norton is not your typical medical school applicant. In fact, until two years ago, she had never considered a career in medicine. It took Jenna seven years to graduate with a degree in Theatre, while working as a waitress and acting on the side. The death of her father, Henry, who passed away after a brief battle with cancer, also delayed her graduation. But his death later propelled Jenna's future in a direction never imagined -- a tribute to the man who owned a hardware store and supported his daughter's passion for Shakespeare.

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Political Reform of Gerrymandering is Good News From California Elections

An important political revolution is quietly unfolding in California. Two recent voting reforms promise to profoundly alter the election landscape -- for the better. One changed the way legislative and congressional districts are drawn, removing the function from the grasp of politicians, and the other is the new top-two primary.