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Happy Adolescents Likely to Have Higher Incomes as Adults

Are you sure money can't buy you happiness? New research suggests that the relationship between money and happiness and is far more complex. Two leading economists claim that the happiness levels of teens clearly determined the likelihood of whether they would go on to earn higher incomes later in life.

Proof in the Profits: America's Happiest Companies Make More Money

Every year around this time, a new edition of the "100 Best Companies To Work For" is released. These are the companies that go out of their way to keep their employees happy in their jobs. But is there a direct connection between having happy workers and a company making more money? One person who may have the answer is Jerome Dodson, the founder of Parnassus Investments, which created a mutual fund that invests exclusively in large American firms proven to have outstanding workplaces.

Women Should 'Lean In' to Happiness Instead

Have you read the book Lean In by Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg yet? In professional women's circles, it's all the rage. It has sparked conversations about whether women can truly 'have it all', and whether they even want to. But it misses a key point related to positive psychology - it's focused on success rather than happiness. What about our innate simple desire to be happy? Carin Rockind explores this in her essay, Lean In to Happiness Instead.

How a Museum Exhibit is Changing Lives in Los Angeles

A 10-year-old boy was moved to tears when he saw the Space Shuttle Endeavour fly over his school on its way to its new home at the California Science Center and even more excited when he could walk around the gargantuan space craft at the museum, touching the tires that flew in space. Suddenly he saw the possibilities of a career in math, science, technology and engineering.

81-year-old Model Shines on Catwalk at NY Fashion Week

Carmen Dell'Orefice has spent her life in front of the lens since gracing the cover of Vogue magazine in 1947, and as the world's first octogenarian model, she is still turning heads, most recently on the catwalk for Norisol Ferrari during New York Fashion Week on Monday.

Second Time Around: How to Find and Embrace a New Career After 50

When you're in the cockpit on final approach and suddenly have to abort your landing and try again, it's called a "go-around." It can be a little scary at first, but with a little planning and some patience, it is painless. The same is true for your career after age 50. You're all set to glide into retirement when from out of nowhere, you're forced to change course professionally. I know the feeling better than most people because it happened to me.

Iron Chef in Prison Cooks up a New Future for Filipino Convicts

Teams of inmates, many of whom have worked previously in the food profession, cooked against the clock to concoct a menu of delicious dishes in what was dubbed, Iron Bar Chef. The cuisine contest is the latest recreational effort at the largest prison in the Philippines -- part of a broader program of arts, crafts and sports that officials say has vastly helped tame the mood of the jail's inmates.

6 Moms We'd Like to Go to Work With on Take Your Daughter to Work Day

Today is Take Your Daughter (and Sons) to Work Day, and while we don't begrudge the right of kids to tail their parents on this special day, we can't help but feel a little jealous of what some of them get to experience. Moms working in television, business, politics, and even Olympic-level athletic competition undoubtedly have some really cool jobs to drop in on, and we've picked several of our favorite working moms that we'd like to spend a day with.