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Car Dealer Makes Local Special Needs Teen Part of the Team

"Moderate mental retardation" is a particularly cruel diagnosis for a boy obsessed with cars. It meant that Jake would not be able to drive a car. But, everything changed when his family pulled into the Ford dealership in Apple Valley and, for the first time, a salesmen did more than pay Jake a passing glance.

Thanksgiving Hero Nurses Who Work the Holiday, Get Surprise Feast -WATCH

There are Thanksgiving Heroes in every American fire house, police station and hospital–public servants who don't get to stay home enjoying the annual holiday feast with their families because they are protecting our homes and property and taking care of the sick. La Brea Bakery in Los Angeles wanted to recognize these heroes with a […]

Amazing Woman Given $50K for Her Anti-Mayhem Work With DC Kids

Hannah Hawkins, founder of the Children of Mine Youth Center, gives kids of all ages a safe place to learn and play, fenced off from the mean streets of Washington D.C. Those streets are where, in the '70s, her husband was robbed and murdered. She decided to dedicate her life to making a positive change in her community. After many years operating only with volunteers, she received a $50,000 check from 5-hour Energy Helps.

Campbell's Soup Removes BPA From its Cans

Campbell Soup Company announced last week a plan to phase out cans that are lined with BPA (Bisphenol A). The company has already begun using cans with linings made from acrylic or polyester materials and will continue to introduce the new linings across the U.S. and Canadian until the transition is complete in mid-2017. Campbell […]

Former Corporate Shark Feeds The Hungry

David Gerson drives an aging Volvo station wagon with a coffee stain on the passenger seat --hardly the type of car usually driven by successful corporate tax lawyers who negotiate billion-dollar mergers in Silicon Valley. David, 62, however, is what some might call a reformed lawyer. That 25-year law career never quite fulfilled him, so in 2011 he took a job feeding the poor.

How Much Longer Can One Man Feed Millions?

It was in 1984 that John Jacko Garrett, age 70, first began donating a portion of his harvest each year to charity. Today, the second-generation rice farmer from Danbury, a tiny farm town of 1,700 southeast of Houston, is a legend. He's a legend thanks to the almost six million pounds of rice he's donated to the Houston Foodbank, and the millions upon millions of free meals created from that rice.

Pizza Man With Heart Funds Elderly Meals Program

The owner of Fox's Pizza, Tom Wynkoop, who earned media attention in early January after he volunteered to deliver their medicines to any homebound residents during an extreme snow storm in Pennsylvania, received many donations in the mail from strangers who heard about the gesture. Wynkoop thought about positive avenues in which to distribute the money, and he chose the local Meals on Wheels program, which delivers hot meals to shut-ins. He then matched the donations, doubling the amount of the check to $2,000.

She Created an Ethical Fashion Co. Right Out of College - After Move to Cambodia!

Upon graduating from Baltimore's Maryland Institute College of Art with a degree in Fibers, 21-year-old Rachel Faller took the road less traveled. By "less" I mean virtually by no one, and by "road," I mean that she hopped on a plane, said goodbye to the comforts of American living, and launched a socially responsible fashion label in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. That is essentially what Rachel, now 26 years of age, accomplished on her own - to the great benefit of Phnom Penh families.