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Boston Cab Driver Turns in $187,000 He Finds in Taxi (WATCH)

Shortly after cashing a check for $187,000, a man who had been homeless and living in a shelter for six months left his entire inheritance in the back of a taxi cab. The Boston cab driver was faced with a choice after searching for the man unsuccessfully back at the hotel where he picked him […]

Time Capsule Buried by Paul Revere and Sam Adams Discovered in Boston

A time capsule buried in the cornerstone of the Massachusetts statehouse by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere, might have remained hidden forever had it not been for water damage in the building that required structural repairs. The small copper box dating back to 1795 was discovered by repair workers and carefully extracted from plaster by museum experts.

Chicago Tribune Sends Pizzas and Thanks to Boston Globe Newsroom

On Monday, the newspaper staff that had been working overtime in Boston to cover the tragic events of their city found a welcome gift from fellow journalists in a thousand miles away. The Chicago Tribune staff overwhelmed them with pizzas delivered at noontime along with a nice note, We can only imagine what an exhausting and heartbreaking week it's been for you and your city.... We can't buy you lost sleep, so at least let us pick up lunch.