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Ghana Adopts National Peace Plan

"Ghana has adopted a new peace plan dubbed National Architecture for Peace" to foster "respect for the rule of law, transparency, accountability and free and fair elections", which have been achieved for the past seven years and lead to a durable internal peace.

Cheese Boosts Immune System of the Elderly

Eating cheese boosts the immune system of older people, according to a new study by scientists in Finland. Researchers found that cheese can act as a carrier for probiotic bacteria, widely regarded as beneficial to immune health.

How One Man Planted a Million Trees (Video)

Gashaw Tahir, an American citizen, traveled back to his birth country of Ethiopia to find the green hills that surrounded his home eroded and stripped bare from deforestation. So he decided to do something extraordinary: Plant one million trees for Ethiopia

Britain offers Ethiopia $260 mln to fight poverty

Britain said on Thursday it will give Ethiopia 133 million pounds (2.5 billion birr) this year to help the Horn of Africa country try to achieve the U.N. Millennium Development Goals, sending 1 million children to school and buying three million mosquito nets.

Ethiopia Signs Deal to Build Largest Wind Farm in Africa

Last month Ethiopia signed a deal to construct Africa's biggest wind farm. The 300 million dollar contract with a French company to complete the facility within two and a half years promises to yield 15 percent of of all electricity in Ethiopia, the second most populous country in Africa.

Amsterdam Lets Beer-Bike Ride On

An increasingly popular mode of partying, the Amsterdam Beer-Bike Bar has been cleared by city officials to remain in business, transporting merry-makers through the narrow Dutch streets.

Partying Helps Power a Dutch Nightclub

A Dutch dance floor harvests the energy generated by jumps and gyrations and transforms it into electricity. The Rotterdam club is one of a handful of energy-generating floors in the world.

Delaware Brakes For Frogs

For the sixth year in a row the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area will close its roads from dusk til dawn to protect the wood frogs, spotted salamanders, and spring peepers who swarm for the river in an ancestral urge to search for mates.

D.C. SmartBike Revolution (Video)

DC is the first city in the nation to start a cycle sharing program like those in Paris and Barcelona. The new bike rental program, ideal for commuters, costs just $40.00 per year to join.

A Bridge in Costa Rica Helps People Reach Their Dreams

El Puente - The Bridge - helps people to help themselves in Southern Costa Rica. A longtime reader of the Good News Network, Barry Stevens, the founder of the bridge, needs a hand this month to meet the expenses of his School Program, Food Program and Microloan Program. If you can help, visit the donation page.

Connecticut Dentist Goes Green

From solar panels to non-toxic x-rays, from high efficiency lights to safeer cleaning supplies, one dentist has opened a green office to reduce the carbon output and help his patients relax.

The Secret Mall Gardens of Cleveland

Under its towering glass atrium, a shopping mall in Cleveland is alive with fresh food still on the vine -- cucumbers, lettuce and herbs are growing, with strawberries and tomatoes on the way. It's just one of many Cleveland-based projects, a grand plan that includes transforming malls into greenhouses and farmers markets.