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Yarn Bombing Movement Spreads to Share Scarves, Hats in Public Places

"Chase the Chill" has become a social media movement that inspires people to leave warm scarves, often with a note, in public places for anyone to take. Scarves draped on trees, posts, signs, and other public locations first appeared in downtown Easton, Pennsylvania, in the fall of 2010, but the practice has spread to cities throughout the US and Canada.

Man Digs Incredible Underground Rooms in Sandstone Hills of New Mexico

For the past 25 years, Ra Paulette has been carving into the sandstone hills of New Mexico, sculpting his own exquisite caves, making them into works of art that he calls wilderness shrines. These intricate caves are created with manual tools only, like shovels and picks, and are illuminated by the sun through multiple tunneled windows.

Amazing Artist With Cerebral Palsy 'Paints' With a Typewriter

A man who lived with a severe disability for decades in an Oregon nursing home created a collection of amazing artwork using only a typewriter. Paul Smith was born in 1921 with cerebral palsy, but could still type using one finger, and the 'paintings' he created are extraordinary.