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Party Hats Placed on Surveillance Cameras Celebrate George Orwell's Birthday

Party Hats Placed on Surveillance Cameras Celebrate George Orwell's Birthday
A pair of Dutch artists put party hats on surveillance cameras to celebrate the 110th birthday of George Orwell, who warned "Big Brother is Watching."

Dutch artists decorated surveillance cameras with party hats to celebrate George Orwell's 110th birthday earlier this year.

Orwell's classic dystopian novel, "1984," warned about a future world where the government was obsessed with surveillance of its people.

Dutch art duo Front 404 – Thomas voor ‘t Hekke and Bas van Oerle – thought the hats would be a perfect birthday tribute.

They posted pictures to their website, and friends in other countries joined the celebrations with more hats or party balloons attached to cameras along sidewalks and on street corners.

That was June 25, and so far, there doesn't seem to be many repercussions – no sign that the Ministry of Truth has tried to erase their pictures, no visit to Room 101 to re-educate the artists, and no denouncement from Big Brother. Yet.

(SEE more at Front 404) – Photos: Front 404

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