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Israeli Peace Deal Signing Leads Way To Final Settlement Talks

President Clinton pushed for an agreement and finally got one between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Yasir Arafat after nine days of sometimes all-night negotiations with Clinton and Jordon's King Hussein offering a final push at the secluded Wye River Plantation on Maryland's Chesapeake Bay.

Toyota, Tesla Will Build Electric Cars Together in California

Toyota and Tesla Motors have announced a surprise joint venture, augmented by Tesla's purchase of a sprawling auto plant, recently closed near San Francisco. The remarkable turn of events creates the potential for Toyota to become more involved in the production of electric cars, and a boost for the recently embattledTesla, as well as a huge rebound for the factory that just last month produced its last Toyota Corolla before closing its doors.

Stimulus Package has Green for Clean Energy

The government is pulling out all the stops to get the economy's heart beating again, including a large clean energy investment that's part of The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009--the stimulus package. It provides about $80 billion altogether for renewable energy, energy efficiency, mass transit, updating the electrical grid and research.

Halloween Candy Safe, After All

There has never been a single confirmed serious injury from “tainted treats” having been altered by a stranger since fears began spreading among the public in the late 50’s.

Irish Peace Stabilized by IRA Disarming

The Good Friday Peace process in Northern Ireland was collapsing. Then, on October 23 the Irish Republican Army (IRA) announced the long-awaited disposal of a significant amount of the paramilitary group's weapons and an independent international disarmament commission confirmed that guns, ammunition, and explosives were extinguished.