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Apps for Apes: Zoos Turn to Tablets to Keep Animals Engaged

When great ape keepers at the Smithsonian's National Zoo were deciding how to add more variety and enrichment to their animals' lives, they turned to Orangutan Outreach and a program that had seen great success in 12 other zoos around the world: Apps for Apes. Keepers introduced the Zoo's six orangutans to iPads: Bonnie likes to bang on the drums, Kyle prefers the piano and 25-year-old Iris is content to listen to the soothing sounds of the koi pond while watching animated fish splash.

Monarch Butterflies Use Medicinal Plants to Treat Offspring for Disease

Monarch butterflies appear to use medicinal plants to treat their offspring for disease, research by biologists at Emory University shows. We have shown that some species of milkweed, the larva's food plants, can reduce parasite infection in the monarchs, says Jaap de Roode, the evolutionary biologist who led the study.

Frog Jumps Back From Extinction in Israel

Missing for a half-century and listed as extinct in 1996, the Hula painted frog has been spotted again in northern Israel, its only known habitat. The restoration of water back to wetland areas is believed to have saved the species.

Family Surrenders Pet to be Euthanized But Tearful Goodbye Moves Vet to do Surgery for Free

After their beloved dog fell on a spike, and home remedies only prolonged its suffering, the family decided to surrender the pet to the SPCA to be put down. In a final goodbye, the family's father looked into Kayla's eyes, apologizing for being too poor to care for her and begging the dog to forgive him for his shortcomings. After the family began coming to terms with their loss, two weeks later, they received the surprise of a lifetime.

UPDATE: Hero Dog Arrives Back in Asia After Facial Surgery in US

Thronged by news photographers and well-wishers, Kabang the hero dog arrived back home in the Philippines yesterday after 8 months in the U.S. enduring intensive surgeries and treatment for cancer and heartworm. Kabang became a national hero in 2011 after she lost her snout and upper jaw running in front of a motorcycle in what her owner said was a deliberate act to save two girls who were crossing the street.

Baby Eaglet Miraculously Survives Fire After Nest Burns

When a volunteer first saw the flame-scarred nest west of Utah Lake he thought there was no way the eaglet could have survived. Mr. Keller climbed through the scorched landscape on June 28 to document the loss of the nest and unfledged baby. While standing there, taking in the devastation, Keller noticed a set of eagle legs behind a burned tree at the base of the cliff.

Hero Grandfather Rescues Dog from Alligator's Jaws

Stephen Gustafson says he didn't think twice about running to rescue his dog when she was dangling from the jaws of an alligator last Friday afternoon in Lake County. Fla. He took a flying leap to land right on the alligator's back in the water.

7 True Stories of Animals Rescuing People from Certain Death

You don't have to be pulled out of a well by a collie to know there is such a thing as hero animals. But when you think of them, you probably picture disaster rescue dogs or a pets smelling smoke. What you don't picture are lions, gorillas and even whales throwing themselves in harm's way to save some helpless human.

Tornado Survivor Finds Buried Dog During TV Interview (WATCH)

An elderly woman being interviewed by a television crew was literally counting her blessings after her beloved schnauzer peaked out from beneath the rubble in Moore, OK and was spotted by a producer. "Bless your little bitty heart!" cooed Barbara Garcia, who stooped down surrounded by the debris of her flattened neighborhood.

Family Just Adopted a Puppy That Ends Up Saving Them

After having just adopted a puppy three weeks ago from the Humane Society, a Michigan family owes the husky-mix their lives after he alerted them to a gas leak in the middle of the night. His adoptive mom, Jill McLarty, had a cold and couldn't smell the gas streaming from a gas burner left on in the kitchen.

Faith and a Little Luck Reunite Dog and Owner After Year

Found trapped in a cage meant for an opossum by an animal control officer in another state, a small Shih Tzu from Louisiana looked like she'd been through a lot of trouble. But with a little luck an an amazing coincidence regarding the dog's name, the weary pet has left Arkansas and is back with its loving owners.

Dog Hero in Ghana Rescues Newborn Baby

A farm dog in the west African country of Ghana is being praised as a hero hound this week after saving the life of an abandoned two-week-old baby. he dog apparently found the baby under a bridge in the northern part of the country. Rather than abandon (or eat) the vulnerable tot, the dog curled up next to him for the night, refusing to leave his side.

Endangered Green Sea Turtles Make Comeback

In one of nature's best comeback stories, endangered green sea turtles have multiplied in Florida during the past two decades and are now thriving in protected waters. Reported nests have increased more than sixfold since 1990.