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Exercising in Your 70's May Stop Brain Shrinkage

Exercising in your 70's may stop your brain from shrinking and showing the signs of aging linked to dementia, say experts from Edinburgh University. But exercise did not have to be strenuous - going for a walk several times a week sufficed.

Memory Loss Associated with Alzheimer's Reversed for First Time

For 100 years, Alzheimer's disease has been without an effective treatment. That may finally be about to change. In the first, small study of a novel, personalized and holistic program to reverse memory loss, nine of 10 participants displayed marked improvement in their memories and disorientation.

Blueberries May Fend Off Alzheimer's: It's All About The Anthocyanins

The blueberry, already known to be a 'super fruit' for its power to potentially lower the risk of heart disease and cancer, also could be insurance for your brain against Alzheimer's disease. New research presented by scientists Sunday bolsters the idea that this fruit, loaded with healthful antioxidants, could help prevent the devastating effects of […]