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The Doctor is a Clown?!?

Does free medical care sound like a good idea to you? How about a movie starring Robin Williams based on the true story of a doctor who for 27 years has given free medical care?

Two New Studies Show Acupuncture Relieves Hot Flashes

Women suffering from hot flashes associated with menopause may have another alternative to hormone replacement therapy, according to two new studies showing that treatment with acupuncture significantly reduces the severity and frequency of hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.

Bumblebees Instead of Pesticides Save Berry Crop from Mold

Squadrons of bumblebees are being deployed in the UK in a novel attempt to prevent grey mold from ruining the crop of summer strawberries. The bees are routed via a one-way system in their hive through a tray of harmless fungus spores which, when delivered to flowers, ensure that the grey mold cannot take hold as the fruit grows.

Good-Deed Nominating Trends Spread Among Youth, This Time in Canada

Youth around the world have managed to turn a dangerous and deadly viral drinking game into random acts of kindness that have most recently turned infectious on university campuses in Canada. The Canadian version currently captivating students on campuses like McGill University is called Feed the Deed.

'Problem Kids' Show Quilting Talents at Alternative School

A tough 17 year old got kicked out of schoolbut now he knows how to make a quilt. In fact, he and other teens from an alternative school that serves students expelled from their regular campus or who ran into trouble with the law swept a youth competition at the San Mateo County Fair with their quilt-making abilities.

Home Solar Leasing Pumped Nearly $1 Billion into California in 2012

The number of homeowners installing solar panels leased from third parties is skyrocketing in the US, particularly in states like California with an incentive program like "One Million Solar Roofs. This week comes news that third-party-owned solar transactions have pumped more than $938 million into California's economy in 2012, a record-high annual amount equal to that of all the previous five years combined.

Memory Loss Associated with Alzheimer's Reversed for First Time

For 100 years, Alzheimer's disease has been without an effective treatment. That may finally be about to change. In the first, small study of a novel, personalized and holistic program to reverse memory loss, nine of 10 participants displayed marked improvement in their memories and disorientation.