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Legally Blind South Korean Sets Archery World Record at Olympics

South Korean archer Im Dong-hyun sees only blurred colors and lines when he peers toward the target about 76 yards away. It doesn't stop the legally blind Olympian from hitting the grapefruit-sized yellow center – again and again and again. Friday he set the first world record of the London Olympics.

Man Without Arms or Legs Swims Frigid Bering Strait

A French swimmer who lacks legs and arms has successfully swum the frigid waters separating Alaska and Russia with the aid of paddle-like prosthetics. Seeking to raise awareness of the abilities of handicapped people, Philippe Croizon, whose limbs were amputated after an accident at age 26, completed his dream of swimming between five continents.

Clicking Like a Dolphin Lets Sightless People 'See' With Sound

Daniel Kish, blind since he was an infant, can easily dodge the pedestrians, signposts and mailboxes that line the city sidewalk. He's taught himself the skills of a dolphin. By clicking his tongue and paying close attention to the echo, he can identify surrounding objects and their location -- even their textures.

Homecoming King Gives Crown to Boy With Genetic Condition

Three Tennessee homecoming king nominees made a unanimous and touching decision that no matter who won, they would give the crown to a beloved student who has Williams Syndrome, a neurological disorder that inhibits learning and speech. At the Unionville Community High School's basketball homecoming ceremony, the teens turned over the honor to junior Scotty Maloney.

Youth Robotics Club Helps Paralyzed Cat

Nine-month-old Flipper the kitten was born with a twisted spine that makes it impossible for him to stand up -- or walk about without dragging himself laboriously. But little Flipper's life was changed forever by cat-lovers from a high school robotics club in Colorado.

Preemies Succeed Despite Challenges

extremely low birth-weight infants attained similar levels of education, employment and independence as young adults compared to normal birth-weight infants, despite challenges including cerebral palsy, blindness, mental impairment and autism.

Teen Produces "Miss Amazing" Pageants for Girls With Disabilities

Jordan Somer has been a believer in beauty pageants since she was 7 years old, when they began teaching her how to be confident and work toward any goal. But when she had the opportunity to be around people with special needs at the Special Olympics, when she saw success everywhere, on the track, the field, and each level of the award platforms, Somer knew what she was meant to do.

Video: One-Legged Soccer Player Scores Incredible Goal Off Corner Kick

Third-year high school student Nico Calabria scored an amazing goal Wednesday for his varsity soccer team -- the scissor kick was especially impressive because Nico was born with only one leg. When he was only 13, he became the first person with one leg ever to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro raising more than $100,000 for a charity providing wheelchairs in Africa.

Deaf Musicians Play Loud and Proud

If, like us, you thought the deaf couldn't appreciate music, much less make music, prepare to be proven wrong. The amazing deaf percussion band ExtraOrdinary Horizons lays down some serious beats in Asia.

U.S. Forces Rescue Iranians at Sea for Second Time in a Week

The U.S. Coast Guard rescued six Iranians from sea whose boat had flooded on Tuesday in the Gulf, the second time in less than a week that the American military has come to the aid of Iranians in distress. The earlier rescue involved pirates, with the US Navy boarding a ship to free 13 Iranian fishermen who had been held hostage for weeks by Somalis.

Cease-fire in Gaza Conflict Announced by Egypt, US

The Egyptian government announced that Israel and Palestinian leaders in the Gaza strip have agreed to halt hostilities after eight days of Israeli bombardment of the enclave and hundreds of rocket strikes inside Israel. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who engaged in intensive shuttle diplomacy aimed at ending the conflict was present for the announcement.

Designer's Low Cost Solution for Clearing Landmines Uses the Wind

Massoud Hassani grew up in Afghanistan and played every day in nearby fields, surrounded by high mountains. His favorite toy was homemade, a small rolling object that was powered by the wind. 20 years later, his 2011 graduation project was an over-sized replica of that toy -- 20 times bigger and heaver -- created to roll on those same landmines and destroy them.