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Designer's Low Cost Solution for Clearing Landmines Uses the Wind

Designer's Low Cost Solution for Clearing Landmines Uses the Wind
Massoud Hassani grew up in Afghanistan and played every day in nearby fields, surrounded by high mountains. His favorite toy was homemade, a small rolling object that was powered by the wind. 20 years later, his 2011 graduation project was an over-sized replica of that toy -- 20 times bigger and heaver -- created to roll on those same landmines and destroy them.

Massoud Hassani grew up in Kabul, Afghanistan and played every day in nearby fields, surrounded by high mountains. His favorite toy was homemade, a small rolling object that was powered by the wind.

"We used to race against the toy and other kids," he wrote on his website. "A strong wind would sometimes blow the toys into restricted areas where we couldn't go because of landmines."

20 years later, Massoud's 2011 graduation project for the Design Academy Eindhoven was an oversized replica of that toy — 20 times bigger, heaver and stronger — created to roll on the same fields that are (still) full of mines.

When it rolls over a mine, it will destroy itself and the landmine with it. The total cost of materials is 40 euros.

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