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When Young Men Write Letter to Neighbor Asking to Play With Their Pup, They Get Letter Back From the Dog

When Young Men Write Letter to Neighbor Asking to Play With Their Pup, They Get Letter Back From the Dog
4 young Englishmen found a sweet solution to the NO-PETS policy in their first apartment, after spending childhoods surrounded by dogs—and longing for paw time.

Being an adult is no easy walk in the park—and for these four English boys, the hardest part about living on their own was their first landlord, and his NO-PETS policy.

LISTEN to the inspiring story told on the radio by our WS founder (in the Good News Guru podcast below) or READ the full story after that…

The young men, who had just moved into a shared flat in Bristol, England, had all spent their lives surrounded by pets—which is why they were dismayed to learn that animals were not allowed.

When they saw an energetic young Labrador pup in the neighbor's window, however, they got an idea.

The four friends quickly penned a letter to the dog's owner explaining their predicament along with an offer to let them play with the pup.

"If you ever need someone to walk him/her, we will gladly do so," they wrote. "If you ever get bored (we know you never will, but we can dream) we are more than happy to look after him/her. If you want to come over and bring him/her to brighten our day, you are more than welcome. If you want to walk past our balcony windows so we can see him/her, please do."

"We hope this doesn't come off too strong, but our landlord won't allow pets, and we've all grown up with animals," the letter concluded. "The adult life is a struggle without one."

The roommates signed the note as "the boys from 23" and left it in the neighbor's mailbox with baited breath.

Not only did they receive a response a short while later, they received a response directly from Stevie Ticks the dog.

Been saying we'd love a dog about the house but our landlord doesn't allow pets, so my housemate posted a letter to our neighbours asking if we could walk their dog every once and a while and the response was better than we could have ever hoped for pic.twitter.com/dcMOfPk5UH


"What a treat it was to receive your letter," wrote Stevie Ticks (as dictated by her frisky human, Sarah Tolman). "I love meeting new people and it would be great if we can be friends. I must warn you that the price of my friendship is 5 ball throws a day and belly scritches whenever I demand them.

"We here understand how hard it is to find pet-friendly rentals—and life just isn't full without a dog in it—right?! I'd love to hang whenever you fancy," the letter concluded.

To their delight, Tolman and Stevie Ticks were true to their word and the boys were invited over for a playdate with the friendly 2-year-old pup earlier this week.


A post shared by Stevie-Ticks (@stevieticks) on Dec 15, 2019 at 6:39am PST


Jack McCrossan was just one of the young men who took Stevie Ticks for an energetic walk, and since he published the adorable photos of their encounter to social media, they have been shared thousands of times.

It's not hard to see why, either—McCrossan said that the response from the dog and her owner was "better than we could have ever hoped for."

Stevie Ticks, who has her own Instagram account, has also made it clear that she plans to continue her playdates with the neighbors—provided they continue with the eager belly rubs, of course.


Update: The boys from 23 just met Stevie, looks like the start of a beautiful friendship (Give Stevie a follow on Instagram: stevieticks) #stevieticks pic.twitter.com/HkhDzzQcSG

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