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Shelter Believes Dogs Deserve the Spirit of Christmas, Too-Watch the Excitement as Santa Brings Bag Full of Goodies

Shelter Believes Dogs Deserve the Spirit of Christmas, Too-Watch the Excitement as Santa Brings Bag Full of Goodies
Romanian animal shelter Sava's Safe Haven believes homeless animals deserve to feel the spirit of Christmas, so lovingly calls on Santa for gifts.

For many years now, a shelter for rescued animals in Romania has been providing their 4-legged residents with Christmas cheer during the holidays-and the gratitude rings out in howls of delight through the snowy countryside.

Alexandra Sava is a veterinary technician who, together with her family, opened an animal shelter in 2012 which now houses over 250 dogs, cats, birds, and bunnies.

This Romanian family so loves their rescued animals that every winter they prepare the shelter for a Christmas visit from Santa Claus.

"We do this because some of the shelter animals are here for over 6 years," Sava told WS. "Unfortunately due to various reasons their chances of adoption are low, and they deserve to feel the spirit of Christmas!"

Every Christmas day Alexandra's brother or dad dresses up like Santa Claus for all the animals in the shelter, bringing a sack filled with "toys, yummy food, goodies, and gifts" donated from people around the world.

"We make our best to save animals and offer them a better life in our shelter until they find their home," says Sava.

The shelter, Sava's Safe Haven, was built and runs with the support of donations-without any help from authorities or local companies. They rely on animal lovers who cover the cost of food, veterinary care, and repairs.

They also organize various projects to help the people in the community of Galati with their own animals-through social programs offering free veterinary care or food in the southeastern part of the country.

WATCH the heartwarming video below-and please consider sending Sava and her family a holiday donation to support their loving mission at SavaSafeHaven.com.

Also, follow their Facebook or Instagram page to see what Santa brings THIS year…

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