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Girl Sells $47K in Bracelets to Help Friend With Skin Disease Buy a Pool

Girl Sells $47K in Bracelets to Help Friend With Skin Disease Buy a Pool
Nine-year-old Bethany has raised an incredible amount of money selling friendship bracelets so that she and her friend could have a place to swim together.

Bethany Walker wanted nothing more than to take a dip in the pool with her best friend, Anne Marie Cox, this summer.

But a rare blistering skin condition has kept nine-year-old Anne Marie from being able to swim in the public pools.

Anne Marie's family dreamed of being able to build a saltwater pool in their own backyard for their daughter—one that would be soothing for her skin— but they couldn't afford it. 


That's when Bethany stepped in, selling friendship bracelets made from rubber bands in an effort to help the family raise enough money to build the pool.

In just 19 weeks, Bracelets by Bethany raised more than $47,000, enough money for the Cox family to build the saltwater pool, and give their daughter what most kids take for granted  – a cool dip on a hot summer day.

"It's been really neat watching that relationship cultivate with these two little girls who just have a love for one another," Anne Marie's mother Kandi Cox told ABC News.

The girls are now happily doing laps together, and, as a result of her efforts, Bethany is in the running for a national scholarship for community service sponsored by J.C. Penney and IZOD.

(WATCH the video below and READ more at ABC News) Photo: Bethany Walker, via Facebook

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