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Woman Has Just $50 to Spend on Hurricane Victims But Store Manager Tells Her to Fill Up Some Carts Instead

Woman Has Just $50 to Spend on Hurricane Victims But Store Manager Tells Her to Fill Up Some Carts Instead
Shelli Tench was ready to spend her last $50 on clothes for hurricane victims – but then the manager of her local Walmart stepped in to help instead.

When the manager of a North Carolina Walmart heard about Shelli Tench's mission to help Hurricane Florence victims, he opened up his own wallet so he could contribute over $1,000 to the cause.

With $50 in her pocket, Tench first went into the Walmart in Garner earlier this month with the intention of spending the last of her money on tee-shirts and underwear for a local hurricane relief shelter.

The shelter had told her that while people were able to take hot showers at their facilities, they did not usually have clean clothes that they could change into – so Trench was determined to spend her $50 on clothes.

Upon arriving at the Walmart, she asked the manager, Jeff Jobes, if she could have some sort of discount for the clothing – and she was stunned by his response.

"When Jeff … heard about the plight of the people at the shelter he didn't give me a discount," Trench wrote in an emotional Facebook post. "Instead, he armed me with one of his associates (Alex) and a shopping cart and told her to fill it… on him.

"Y'all… $1,251 later, I was able to deliver 254 items of clothing to the evacuees at the Garner High shelter because Jeff the manager loves his community and he proved it with his actions."

The story does not stop there, however – the next morning, Jobes texted Tench and asked if there was anything else that the shelter needed for the 400 hurricane victims.

The refuge said that they needed fresh fruit for snacks and Gatorade. Tench relayed the message to Jobes only to receive a response reading: "Give me 30 minutes and then come see me."

By the time Tench pulled up to the Walmart, Jobes and Alex were pulling together piles of donated goods for the shelter.

"They didn't donate bags of fresh fruit," Tench wrote. "They donated case after case after case after case of apples and oranges and bananas and Ensure and Boost and Gatorade and Cliff bars and pastries and bread and cookies. My van was loaded to the top."

"The outpouring of love and support from the Walmart in Garner is unbelievable," says Tench. "People may say a lot of negative things about Walmart but I'm here to tell you this right now… the staff at this store are world changers."

Walmart as a company has additionally offered to donate $2 for every $1 donated to their Hurricane Florence relief fund, which has already raised over $7.5 million.

(WATCH the video below)

Be Sure And Pass On This Positive Story To Your Friends On Social Media – Photo by Shelli Tench

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