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Winter Hilarity Continues in Annual Name-a-Snowplow Contest: Join 'Snowbi Wan Kenobi' with Your Submissions

Winter Hilarity Continues in Annual Name-a-Snowplow Contest: Join 'Snowbi Wan Kenobi' with Your Submissions
From Nebraska to Ohio to Calgary Alberta, transportation services are opening the polls for the annual Name-a-Snowplow contest.

For the third year in a row, Minnesota is opening the now-traditional "Name a Snowplow" contest to residential voting.

The contest, held by the MN Department of Transportation, has included past winners that include Betty Whiteout, Plowy McPlowFace, Ctrl Salt Delete, Snowbi Wan Kenobi, "Ope, Just Gonna Plow Right Past Ya", and The Truck Formerly Known As Plow.

Voters are encouraged to head to the DoT website to cast their vote, with submissions open until next Friday, the 16th. The only limitations are a 30 character name that excludes vulgarity and political partisanship.

This is fast becoming an international tradition all over not just America, but the Northern Hemisphere. Contests are also being held by the Ohio DoT, the Massachusettes DoT, the Nebraska DoT, and several cities in Canada like Edmunton, and Calgary.

It became an even better idea since the adoption of map applications that gave residents in blizzard-prone areas real-time updates on the positioning of the snowplows.

Last year, WS reported of a similar contest in Scotland, which included winners like, "You're a Blizzard Harry," Brinestone Ploughboy, Lord Coldemort, Spreddie Van Halen, Mary Queen of Salt, and On Her Majesty's Slippery Surface.

In Minnesota, 8 winners will be chosen, all of which will feature in each district.

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