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Why Is Severus Snape Checking Tickets for American Airlines?

Why Is Severus Snape Checking Tickets for American Airlines?
American Airlines has finally admitted that Severus Snape is not in fact dead, but currently taking boarding passes at this New York airport.

We will now Severus you at Gate Nine and Three-Quarters. #SnAApe #AATeam #HarryPotter #LGA pic.twitter.com/dnUJpMplW5


David Dolci looks remarkably like Severus Snape from the Harry Potter movies.

Or rather, he looks like Alan Rickman portraying Severus Snape.

Either way, American Airlines finally revealed that Snape is not, in fact, dead, but currently taking boarding passes at this New York airport, and shared some photos on Twitter and Facebook.

Muggles everywhere are delighted:

@AmericanAir YOU FOUND HIM!!!!

@AmericanAir AA is reducing costs w/ an innovative new "Hire a Wizard" program. Who needs fuel when you've got #SnAApe & Wingardium Leviosa?

@AmericanAir There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations on this flight.

Photo courtesy of American Airlines on Facebook

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