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When Crying Student Boarded Bus for First Day of School, the Driver Held His Hand On the Way There

When Crying Student Boarded Bus for First Day of School, the Driver Held His Hand On the Way There
This is the heartwarming moment that a school bus driver helped an anxious kindergartner turn his first-day jitters into excitement.

A Wisconsin school bus driver is being praised for her small gesture of kindness that had a big impact on an anxious student.

Prior to his first day of kindergarten last week, Axel Johnson had been waiting excitedly for the school bus with his mother. When the big yellow bus finally pulled around the corner, however, Axel fell silent—and when the doors finally opened for him to board, he began to cry.

Axel's mother, Amy Johnson, had been heartbroken to see her son in tears. Thankfully, she didn't have to worry about him for very long.

After Axel stepped onto the bus, the driver, Isabel Lane, immediately reached her arm back from the driver's seat so she could hold Axel's hand.

Touched by the gesture, Amy snapped a photo of the sweet moment before the doors closed. Lane then spent the rest of the bus ride chatting with Axel and offering him encouragement for the day ahead. By the time they got to the school, Axel had stopped crying.

Not only that, the youngster has been eager to get on the school bus every day since.

The Augusta Police Department later posted the heartwarming photo of Lane and Axel to social media so they could praise the driver for her kindness towards a nervous student.

Though Lane is humble about her good deed, she hopes that it will inspire other people to comfort someone who may need a shoulder to cry on.

"I think it kind of goes for anyone—if you see someone maybe struggling, just to do something as simple as reaching out a hand and showing that you are there," Lane told WEAU. "You don't have to say anything, but just to show someone you are there makes a big difference in someone's day."

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