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FDA Approves First Ever Drug Designed Exclusively to Prevent Migraines

FDA Approves First Ever Drug Designed Exclusively to Prevent Migraines
Patients in the clinical trials for the drug said that they did not even experience any more side effects than patients in the placebo group.

A revolutionary new drug will soon be able to treat the 2.8 million Americans who suffer from debilitating migraines.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just approved a treatment called Aimovig, which is the first ever drug that is designed specifically to treat migraines.

Aimovig is applied through a monthly injection that works similarly to insulin shots. The medication then blocks a protein fragment called CGRP, which stimulates migraines.

Up until now, migraine patients have tried to treat and prevent the debilitating episodes by taking medication that is designed to treat other conditions, such as high blood pressure. According to the New York Times, however, these medications work very inconsistently. In addition to only offering partial relief and prevention, they often come with almost unbearable side effects.

In clinical trials with Aimovig, on the other hand, the patients experienced no more side effects than the patients in the placebo group.

Though the retail price of the drug is listed at roughly $575 per monthly injection, insurance coverage can bring the copay down to as low as $5 per month, according to a statement from Amgen, the pharmaceutical company responsible for Aimovig.

One week after its approval from the FDA, it is now ready for patient prescription.

"For now, they look fantastic," said Dr. Stewart J. Tepper of the new drugs. "They shake the ground under our feet. They will change the way we treat migraine."

"The drugs will have a huge impact," said Dr. Amaal Starling, a neurologist from the Mayo Clinic who specializes in migraine treatment. "This is really an amazing time for my patient population and for general neurologists treating patients with migraine."

Pass On The Positive News And Share This With Your Friends – Photo by Allspice1, CC

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