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Watch Good Kids Caught On Camera Returning Wallet Filled With $700 in Cash

Watch Good Kids Caught On Camera Returning Wallet Filled With $700 in Cash
The kids were not even slightly tempted by the massive wad of cash that was tucked inside the lost wallet.

Three kids are being praised for doing the right thing after they found a wallet stuffed with cash and returned it to the owners.

Jamie Carlton's son had dropped his wallet outside of his car in the driveway of their Aurora, Colorado home earlier this month. At the time, the wallet contained $700 in cash.

13-year-old Haylie Wenke, her 6-year-old brother Reagan, and their friend Ashley Dayton had been biking to a water park when they spotted the small leather object on the ground. Wanting to return the wallet, they walked up to Carlton's house and rang the doorbell.

When the security system asked them to leave a message for the camera monitoring the front door, the youngsters explained their intentions.

"We found your wallet outside of your car and we just thought we would give it back to you," Haylie is seen saying. "I'm going to put it over here so no takes any money."

Haylie and her friends didn't think very much of their good deed, telling KDVR: "We just thought it would be a good thing to do. It just feels good because we really didn't need the money. So we just decided to give it back."

Carlton, however, was so touched by the kids' consideration, he uploaded the security footage to Facebook and praised them for their honesty.

"If this doesn't renew or at least refresh your faith in humanity, you need help," wrote Carlton. "These kids are amazing … Their parents should be so proud of them."

(WATCH the video below)

Be Sure And Share The Sweet Story Of Honesty With Your Friends – Photo by Jamie Carlton

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